Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Renaissance - 9/10

Loved it. Amazing animation, and a pretty decent plot as well. This is why we need more mature CG films.
Hancock - 8.75/10 I Really liked the story, but the visual effects could be done better. not 9 because of the visual effects and definitely not 8.5 because of the cool story.
Apocalypse Now - 10/10

My CommTech teacher always talks about this movie being the best (he's a movie guy, he even worked on a few big ones), and he finally showed it to us, after we hooked up the huge PA system, and the HD projector (all the schools equipment), we watched it booming very loud. ****ing epic. So good.

Funny cause it has lots of swearing, and school was still in, and we watched it next to two full classrooms :D

Vietnam Movie not even about Vietnam. WATCH DIS.
Oz Season 3 - 8/10

Apocalypse Now is awesome, Dog.
Is it just me or is Charlie Sheen's dad like.. Exactly like Charlie Sheen? He looks EXACTLY like him, acts like him, like wtf. I think Charlie Sheen is like 60 years old, except he doesn't age.
Renaissance - 9/10

Loved it. Amazing animation, and a pretty decent plot as well. This is why we need more mature CG films.

fantastic film, I wish they co loured it though.

EDIT: To Ka, still it would look cooler with colour.
fantastic movie, I wish they co loured it though.

... What? Heard of film noir? The entire point of the film was it's visual style, dude. If they'd coloured it it would have become just another tacky CG movie.
IMO colour would make it lose some of the effect it had. I think the animation, in particular the facial animation, was so amazing because it was slightly detached from reality, or because it was simplified in that they only had to work in monochrome. Put in colours and it looks more realistic, you start to identify it more with reality which creates the uncanny valley effect. As is there were parts that, to me, looked entirely life-like, purely because the art style drew me in so far. It's like... an unrealistic sort of realism.

Or something. :)
Finally got around to watching The dark knight and although I'm not a fan of comic book adaptations this I have to say is one of the best action movies I've seen in recent years. I like Nolan's more realistic take on the story. The older bat man films seem so childish and ridiculous compared to this. My one complaint is the stupid gruff voice Bale was doing while waring the costume.

The Dark Knight 9/10
IMO colour would make it lose some of the effect it had. I think the animation, in particular the facial animation, was so amazing because it was slightly detached from reality, or because it was simplified in that they only had to work in monochrome. Put in colours and it looks more realistic, you start to identify it more with reality which creates the uncanny valley effect. As is there were parts that, to me, looked entirely life-like, purely because the art style drew me in so far. It's like... an unrealistic sort of realism.

Or something. :)
**** man, do you know how many times that phrase would have helped me explain my feelings.


Lars and the Real Girl

The movie is genuine, I just loved the cast, I was sad when they were sad, I cried when
they cried, and I felt completely wrapped up in the story. It's a really wonderful story,
that's the best way to describe the movie imo.
Burn After Reading - 9/10

Fantastic film. Chock full of hilarious paranoia. I'm going to buy it when it comes out on DVD.
I have that movie, but I haven't gotten around to watching it yet.

A Scanner Darkly - 8/10

Quite a good movie, bit hard to understand though.
Did you know that every frame was hand animated over? 'Each minute of animation required 500 hours of work with 50 animators working full-time every day'.


Also watch Rennaissance it's great.
The Incredible Hulk (2008) - 8.75/10

Better than Iron Man
Godzilla: Final Wars - 10/10

10/10 for having almost every ****ing Toho series monster in the film. -10 points for having most of them killed. -10 for having Manda die in the first 2 minutes and Jet Jaguar not show up. + 12 for the homage to the Showa series and having Rodan, King Ceasar and Anguirus spared. + 100 for having Godzilla kill the CGI'd 1998 American Godzilla within 5 seconds of them beginning the fight in Syney.

-80 for having Sum 41 playing in the middle of a fight. Come on.

Godzilla's hiatus is almost over. **** yeah.
Did you know that every frame was hand animated over? 'Each minute of animation required 500 hours of work with 50 animators working full-time every day'.
Yep, it's called rotoscoping. Same applies to Linklater's earlier film Waking Life.
Did you know that every frame was hand animated over? 'Each minute of animation required 500 hours of work with 50 animators working full-time every day'.

Heh, thought you were talking about Renaissance. I was like, "what the hells the point of animating over animation?"

It would be kind of hardcore, though, tracing over an entire 3D movie in 2D. Stupid, but hardcore.
LOTR Fellowship of the Ring - 10/10. I was laughing the whole way through the Council of Elrond sequence. Ever since I saw this hilarious animation I have not been able to take that scene seriously any more!!
Yeah, but rotoscoping is ****ing awesome.
Yeah, but every time I hear the term rotoscoping, I think of some old english prospector or something, surveying a section of land from atop a huge pedal-powered gyrocopter, all the while puffing away on his pipe and twirling his magnificent bastard of a moustache. Then I remember what it actually is and can't help but feel slightly disappointed.
I tell you what - if I ever get Flash and my tablet working on this laptop, I'll animate that for you, and then you can open it up every time you hear the term rotoscoping.
Speed Racer - 7/10...

Cheesy as hell but it was a lot of fun to watch, gave me an optic orgasm too.
Red Eye

It was a decent movie but I had trouble watching the first half due to how unbelievably good rachel
McAdams looks. I mean Jesus ****, I was blushing. She sometimes looks amazing like in Red Eye
and in this Pic, other times she looks shitty like in Mean Girls.

War inc.
It was decent, I also masturbated to Lizzy McGuire, the slutty look suits her so well.

Also she looks great in Greta
Last i saw The Dark Knight . It was even better than I expected. Most of the comment is about Heath Ledger. He is no longer with us, but his performance as joker in this film is everlasting. The film's storyline has many twists and all are rewarding, the story is developed constantly after each scene, making you wonder what's next. Excellent craft and flows well towards the conclusion. I liked this film very much. I will rate it 9/10.
LOTR The Two Towers - 10/10 imo. Still continuing my LOTR marathon. Watching Return tonight!
lol aarathy, you have 5 posts, at least three of which are almost identicle.
It would be kind of hardcore, though, tracing over an entire 3D movie in 2D. Stupid, but hardcore.

Very hardcore, and very stupid, since it would be a lot easier and cheaper to write a renderer that converts the 3D scenes to 2D.

The Incredible Hulk: 7.5/10

It was pretty much what I expected from a Hulk movie with Edward Norton in it.
Pitch Black - 7.5/10...
Suspenseful, awesome, gory.
But, it was fairly cheesy in a few spots.

Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury - 7/10...
Felt mindless and didn't really add that much to the mythos of the Riddick-verse, but the animation was great and it was entertaining.

Chronicles of Riddick - 8/10...
Awesome action movie, Vin Diesel is the new Arnie tbh.
The special effects were mindblowingly awesome and the storyline was pretty interesting.
Eagerly awaiting the sequels.
Burn After Reading: 9/10
Funny, smart, tense... fantastic.
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