Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Journey to the Center of the Earth - 7/10

It's a pretty basic adventure film, but it's really entertaining. Not going to win any awards or be all that memorable, but it's still worth watching
I don't know why you changed it. eh, no matter.^

Meet Dave


fantastic and hilarious acting by Eddie Murphy

started off incredibly funny and interesting... I couldn't stop laughing. but after about 35 minutes the rest was just ... good.

Journey to the Center of the Earth - 7/10

It's a pretty basic adventure film, but it's really entertaining. Not going to win any awards or be all that memorable, but it's still worth watching

I felt very differently. While there's nothing wrong with a basic adventure film, watching this film was one of the most painful experiences of my life. It was so amazingly hammy and forced and it makes me angry at the world in general.

so so 2/10.
21: 8/10

Rather enjoyable, but the dialogue in some parts was.... ugh...
sex drive - decent if you wanna have some fun with friends/10
Battlestar Galactica Season 3 - 10/10

****ing excellent show
Max Payne - 7/10

I had an in depth understanding of the plot and characters beforehand. The introduction and 'made up' stuff on behalf of the director brought it down.
Mutilation of Mona Sax and her stature = :<

You must play the game in order to like and have reason of understanding this movie.
Walk Hard - 7/10...

I had a few laughs and the songs were pretty catchy... but it tried way too hard to be funny in quite a few spots.
Phonebooth - 8/10

Kiefer Sutherland has one of the greatest voices, he completely makes the film.
Taken - 7/10

Typical plot but the hand-to-hand action was ****ing brutal.

Eagle Eye - 7/10

Good film, original (ish) but the shaky cam made an unpleasant return...
Speaking from my own perspective, I'd love to go a round with a girl who can take a good vagina stabbing and still call my mother a c*nt.
W. - 7/10...
It was alright, definitely not Stone's best as he didn't really go into much detail at all.(God, he could've done marvelous things with the Katrina situation!)
But, Brolin did a wonderful Bush and I'd even go so far as to say that he stole the movie.

JFK - 8.5/10...

You Don't Mess with the Zohan - 7.5/10...
Goofy fun, I liked it.
Blow - 9.5 as always.

I actually did a bit of research of George Jung (yes he is real), and it turns out after the movie released his daughter actually DID go and visit him (about a year after)
The Ring - 7.5/10...
Haven't seen it for atleast a couple years now, gave me the creeps.
Phonebooth - 8/10

Kiefer Sutherland has one of the greatest voices, he completely makes the film.

I've always loved Phonebooth. You're right about Kiefer, but Colin is fantastic in the way he holds that tension. He does it so well, so convincing. Plus the whole real-time thing is really neat.

The Ring - 7.5/10...
Haven't seen it for atleast a couple years now, gave me the creeps.

I really consider The Ring one of the few good "horror" movies to be released in the last few years. Bloody horror movies do nothing for me, psychological horror is what really gets down into your skin (see Requiem for a Dream, The Shining).

Son of Rambow: 9/10
Finally got to see this after wanting to for awhile. One of the most stand out points of this film is one of the two boys who is absolutely brilliant at acting. Most child actors have that thing about them that you can tell they're acting and the opposite boy sort of shows that throughout (though he still is rather good). The one was so outstandingly good that it made me notice how WELL of an actor for a kid he was. Anyway, the plot, story, acting, humor, drama, etc. were all really good, kept a good pace and was ultimately a "I'm glad I watched this" movie. A real gem.
Pineapple Express - 7/10

Pretty awesome. Seems like the kind of movie that would be loads of fun to see with a few friends, but I went to see it on a date. :P
Son of Rambow: 9/10
Finally got to see this after wanting to for awhile. One of the most stand out points of this film is one of the two boys who is absolutely brilliant at acting. Most child actors have that thing about them that you can tell they're acting and the opposite boy sort of shows that throughout (though he still is rather good). The one was so outstandingly good that it made me notice how WELL of an actor for a kid he was. Anyway, the plot, story, acting, humor, drama, etc. were all really good, kept a good pace and was ultimately a "I'm glad I watched this" movie. A real gem.

I see this movie on the kids pay-per-view, and I looked at the info and it sounded good, although since it's on the kids pay-per-view I figured it'd be all gay. Is it actually good?
I see this movie on the kids pay-per-view, and I looked at the info and it sounded good, although since it's on the kids pay-per-view I figured it'd be all gay. Is it actually good?

Son of Rambow is good; I liked it.

I just saw Wanted (2008).

This movie had some of the best special effects and the most unique scenarios for action scenes of all time. I was laughing with glee and literally yelling 'Holy ****ing shit; no ****ing way' at some of the action scenes.

The plot itself is pretty tight, but a lot of the stuff in the movie is impossible and that's not really my style.

The movie plays out like a comic book, which it is based on, so expect some outrageous stuff that could have been in The Matrix or Max Payne.

I felt this movie could have been another 10 minutes longer to flesh out some parts.

I give this movie an 8/10. You definitely don't want to miss this show.
Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - 7/10...
Alright, yes, I went and bought the damn DVD... but only because I just had to complete my Indy collection, next step... get them all on blu-ray.

It's a decent action/adventure movie but the plot is still completely idiotic and I can't follow any of the hidden meanings at all.
It brings shame to the Indy name, but it's a fun watch either way you slice it, it just isn't an Indy movie.
Eyes Wide Shut - lolwut/10

Explain because I've wanted to see for awhile.

I see this movie on the kids pay-per-view, and I looked at the info and it sounded good, although since it's on the kids pay-per-view I figured it'd be all gay. Is it actually good?

I really enjoyed it.

Another movie marathon last night:

The Evil Dead: 9/10

Best "horror" movie ever made? ****ing awesome movie, but you have to watch it with friends so you can all laugh together.

Seven: 7.5/10
Kinda drifted in and out of sleep through this one. Kevin Spacey's presence automatically brings it up to a 7. It was good, I dunno, I kinda wish the ending had you figure out the cleverness of his plan instead of telling you outright.

Citizen Kane: Idon'tknow/10
Widely regarded as the best movie ever made, I went in with huge expectations. So I guess when that happens you can only be disappointed. It was a good watch, I liked the story and the symbolism. But best movie of all time? Maybe for the time, the camera work and all that but... I don't know.
Wanted dumb/dumb

Only good thing about that movie is the ****scene between barry and the girlfriend.
Which should be made in to a fullblow porn spinoff.
The movie is the equivalent of a child's drawing of a transformer or gundam, you know the ones where
the little shits add tons of pipes, extrusions, guns and strong colors because they think it will make it look good.

Much in the same vein this movies thinks an actions scene will be better if the car flips 3 times instead of
1 time and the hero is shooting two guns and bending bullet paths while jumping across burning buildings
which are doing saltos. Something like that works as a short parody movie, but it looks incredibly stupid
in a movie that tries to be serious, and the blatant impossibility of everything just takes away from any
kind of tension the movie could have had.

Good actions is smart, original, unexpected and superficially possible action, it is not making
something which any idiot could have come up, and has come with as a joke while sitting
in the theater watching a movie. Also they completely ****ed up the you working in an
office is wasting your life blabla which fightclub pulled off so well.
There's where your point falls over and breaks a hip.
There's were you trying to be funny succeeds as the statement is pretty clever and original.

Spoilered because I fear Virustype
But yeah, you're wrong. Or did I miss the bit where this movie veers of from being a serious
superhero movie in which the hero is betrayed and kills his ****ing father, to a satire on
everything that is wrong with mindless summer blockbusters?

Also how the **** can you see my posts?
Eejit's sending them to me, on MSN.
Thanks babe.

I dunno, while watching it I never felt it was trying to be too serious, and as a result I quite enjoyed it. I'd view it as a completely over-done on purpose film that makes the mistake of trying to have a few serious plot lines.
But yeah, you're wrong. Or did I miss the bit where this movie veers of from being a serious
superhero movie in which the hero is betrayed and

How can you say this movie is trying to be serious. It's based on a comic book series, please get a clue.

It's a disposable action flick with some amazing stunts. The end.

Also, how about using a spoiler tag when you post huge spoilers.
The Grudge - 0/10...

Why the **** did I even bother trying to watch this again?
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