Thomas Jefferson made "slip" in Declaration


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
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Preservation scientists at the Library of Congress have discovered that Thomas Jefferson, even in the act of declaring independence from England, had trouble breaking free from monarchial rule.
In an early draft of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote the word "subjects," when he referred to the American public. He then erased that word and replaced it with "citizens," a term he used frequently throughout the final draft.

Fenalla France, a research chemist at the Library, said her lab made the discovery last year by using hyperspectral imaging, using a high resolution digital camera that compiles a series of images to highlight layers of a document. Some of those invisible layers — like erased text and even fingerprints — pop into view on a computer screen.
In switching from "subjects" to "citizens," France said it appears Jefferson used his hand to wipe the word out while the ink was still wet. A distinct brown smudge is apparent on the paper, although the word "subjects" is not legible without the help of the digital technology.
"This has been a very exciting development," France said, calling the findings "spine-tingling."
America would have been so much more interesting had they made Washington king.
So we're just subjects now. D;
Have people ever rebelled from a monarchy just to setup another monarchy? Seems like a ludicrous thing to do.

^Yeah, almost like someone rebelling from one oppressive religion to setup another oppressive religion.

Oh wait.
I though he really sliped

jefferson: *walking to table* people of the comite,we are ready to sign-*slips and falls to the floor*

*everybody laughs*

washintong: oh jeferson,good thing for you that you where on our side

benjaming frankling: *whit woman in his arm*well lets sign this stuff already*drinks beer*
I though he really sliped

jefferson: *walking to table* people of the comite,we are ready to sign-*slips and falls to the floor*

*everybody laughs*

washintong: oh jeferson,good thing for you that you where on our side

benjaming frankling: *whit woman in his arm*well lets sign this stuff already*drinks beer*

For some reason I thought the same here. I thought they were going to find some sort of repaired "tear" in the page or something.
Well this makes the Declaration void now.

Must start anew.
Alex Jones will be spewing hard, bro.
America would have been so much more interesting had they made Washington king.

Honestly, he was so popular and the job was so undefined he probably could've gotten away with just about anything.

Have people ever rebelled from a monarchy just to setup another monarchy? Seems like a ludicrous thing to do.
Norway in 1905.
When the Dutch provinces revolted in the 1680s they did eventually create a Republic, but their initial plan was to become subjects of Elizabeth I (she only refused because it would draw her into war with Spain). Sixty years later, the English Parliament and its supporters deposed and executed King Charles I, only for Oliver Cromwell to take power as a monarch in all but name. Following the restoration of the monarchy, the Glorious Revolution of 1688 saw Parliament throw out James II and swap him for William III of Orange. So basically yeah it used to happen all the time.
Have people ever rebelled from a monarchy just to setup another monarchy? Seems like a ludicrous thing to do.

ummm, yes. the modern nation state has only existed for a few hundred years...
Conspiracy theorists are going to have a good bit of fun with this.
I read the entire thing this morning since it was in the paper. I dunno if I ever have before. :P

I don't see any big deal with this... they had been "subjects" and were just in the process of changing over to being "citizens" of a new country. I bet he smiled when he realized his mistake!
This is why I never go out without a bottle of correction fluid. Am I really going to chance botching a famous document someone may need my help writing?...I think not.

Conspiracy theorists are going to have a good bit of fun with this.
What if he was screwing around on purpose and was considering writing "jews" instead of subjects? Now THAT would be interesting...