Halflife2.net Minecraft Server Discussion

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Okay, so I'm currently renting a server at (although at the time of typing, it's awaiting an update and is therefore inaccessible)
I'm more than happy for this to be the new hl2.net server, but obviously that depends on you lot.

So, share your opinions.
The price is certainly an appealing factor. For 20 people you say it's only like $25? For a mere $25 we wouldn't need as many donations or the donation amount per individual could come down... or people could continue to donate the same amount and our server would last extra long payments wise.

We'll see how quickly they can remedy things like update server incompatibilities. We had these with mynecraft, and I know it's not anything the hosts can do except update the servers. So we'll see how fast these guys can get everything updated.
Should there be a poll to see which country the majority would want the server to be hosted from?

I haven't played much on the server, but if we decide on keeping Pi's then I'll start the migration.
Should there be a poll to see which country the majority would want the server to be hosted from?
Well I'm in Ireland so the UK would be ideal for me. If it had to be the US I assume that the east coast of the US would give better connections to the European members than a west coast one would?
Moving the server to the US shouldn't be an issue - MPUK have servers on both sides of the Atlantic, so they'll be able to migrate it.
I'm in Texas so an east coast server should be fine.

Do we have any building plans/rules for the spawn?
What's in the new update?
I'm in Texas so an east coast server should be fine.

Do we have any building plans/rules for the spawn?

Personally, I'd like the spawn to be relatively clean and uncluttered. There's plenty of room to expand and build your phallic monuments. I probably should have set a spawn protection radius before letting people on the server.

Hokey: The update adds health back into SMP, so monsters are possible. Unfortunately, it also pretty much broke everything, too.
The server has been updated, so you can connect again now. A couple of caveats:

This update is pretty broken, there's issues with dying (you can turn invisible, or invincible, or both!) and issues with monster spawning (invisible monsters, fun!) so PVP and monster spawning are both currently off.

However, you will now take falling damage, heat damage, and drown.

BE WARNED: I connected just now and died straight away. No warning, no time to react. Then I spawned a short distance away from the usual spawn, obviously without all my stuff.
I died on spawn too. Thankfully I spawned in my /home area.
Pi, earlier you said I was on the whitelist, but when I try to connect it says I'm not.

The username is Solaris152 , could you please check?

I feel I should point out to everyone that already has an active account on the server - when you join for the first time since this update, you will die.
Could I get on the whitelist? Name is Higlac.
I feel I should point out to everyone that already has an active account on the server - when you join for the first time since this update, you will die.
Not threatening at all.
Notch has released another update which fixes some of the issues, and also now makes client updates optional. Finally!
Krynn72 for the whitelist please. Probably wont be playing much until after the new year, but I gotta stake my claim on this new frontier.
My desert fortress is under construction...
add me. hdxx. u should try xenonservers.com 15$ for 20 slots
yo, any chance of a add please? username is thenextlastday. cheers!
I feel I should point out to everyone that already has an active account on the server - when you join for the first time since this update, you will die.

I didn't die. I did lose a bit of armor, but I didn't die.
Most people don't have armor on and will probably die.

Well, what are you waiting for? GO DIE ALREADY.
oh no, someone call the minecraft police
Duping isn't cheating. It's exploiting a bug.
can you control duping?

In single player it would be cheating but in multi, its more about building than surviving.
You cannot dupe in single player. You can only dupe in multiplayer because it is an exploit of the server lag.

Seriously, people who bitch about duping are the ones who have never tried it, it's not a big deal. It takes literally two seconds.

Seriously, people who bitch about duping are the ones who have never tried it, it's not a big deal. It takes literally two seconds.

Um, what the **** kind of logic is this? If anything the fact that it's so easy is all the more reason to disapprove.

And don't give me that "it's not cheating it's exploiting", stop splitting hairs.
So it's alright because it's easy?


I don't really care but that's pretty dumb. :)

Edit: Goddamnit.
the fact that it's so easy is all the more reason to disapprove.

Why? Please explain to me what sort of detriment duping has on our server, or our server users?

And don't give me that "it's not cheating it's exploiting", stop splitting hairs.

It's exploiting. Just like dropping tools and then picking them up again to gain their full health, is an exploit. And do you do that all the time? Does everyone on this server support that action? Hell yes. But suddenly, oh no, someone is not spending hours upon hours searching for diamond. Cheaters!

So it's alright because it's easy?

Oh look, an argument I never made. Cute.