Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

VATS was stupid as shit, it didn't work well in the new games at all.
Except for maybe New Vegas because they actually made it so you can potentially die while using it and you aren't a dead eye with super ammo.
The specifically said that it is their intention for the new combat system to address that issue. Assuming they're not bullshitting us, I'll be interested in seeing how well it works. It would certainly be a worthy improvement even if it doesn't entirely solve the issue.

In every preview of the game thus far they've talked about significantly slowing down your speed for running backwards.
Gamebryo renamed to Creation Engine: confirmed.

We've always used a lot of our own stuff, mixed with other middleware that we liked. Coming off of Fallout 3, we made a pretty big list of what we wanted to change technically. So we redid the rendering, lighting, shadows, animation, faces, foliage, mountains, scripting, interface and more. And by the time we got through it all, it was clear the technology was new enough to give it its own name, The Creation Engine. Same with our editor, The Creation Kit. They go together as technology.
I don't care. I am still darn excited for it. Seems like they may have learned at least a few things from the legit complaints about Oblivion and hey, there's always the mods, so I think we should all be happy eventually.
VATS is not turn-based combat. Ugh.

I know. It felt "like" it was turn-based combat. And it was fun, that's what matters to me. After playing a lot of dumb hack-and-slash third-person action-rpgs, FO3 gave me the most exciting, most intense, most immersive RPG combat experience. Personal opinion.
Gamebryo renamed to Creation Engine: confirmed.


It's effectively the same thing they did between Morrowind and Oblivion: NetImmerse -> Gamebryo -> Creation Engine.

Hopefully, they managed to actually add environmental shadows this time around.
They did add dynamic environmental shadows judging from the new gameplay trailer, full environmental shadows in cities, forests etc, the shadows themselves look a bit low-quality though(lots of blockiness it looks like to me at the shadow edges) but still a massive improvement in my opinion!
They did add dynamic environmental shadows judging from the new gameplay trailer, full environmental shadows in cities, forests etc, the shadows themselves look a bit low-quality though(lots of blockiness it looks like to me at the shadow edges) but still a massive improvement in my opinion!
Some of those shadows look like they're just from trees. A lot of the other objects don't seem to cast anything.


And this model isn't even self-shadowing:

I hope they just turned it off for those specific models. Some checkbox in the editor would be ok, so we can fix that.
You are right, but still, any progress is better than none.

I have come to expect very little from Bethesda in this area, hence why I am so positively surprised.
Todd Howard said:
“Because our worlds are so big all of the lighting has to be dynamic,” Howard says. “That's something we had a little bit of in the past with shadowing, but not on everything. Now we have it on everything. It just makes the whole thing a lot more believable when you're there.”

Remember? :P
one thing that I agree on with Mikael is that this Todd guy is a tool.
one thing that I agree on with Mikael is that this Todd guy is a tool.
He is not. I know his mom (used to work with her) and she is awesome and I hear nothing but great things about him. He has a really neat story too. Seems like a genuinely terrific bloke and I am personally glad he is doing what he is doing.
He is not. I know his mom (used to work with her) and she is awesome and I hear nothing but great things about him. He has a really neat story too. Seems like a genuinely terrific bloke and I am personally glad he is doing what he is doing.

He might be a cool guy but he absolutely sucks with development.
He is not. I know his mom (used to work with her) and she is awesome and I hear nothing but great things about him. He has a really neat story too. Seems like a genuinely terrific bloke and I am personally glad he is doing what he is doing.

You heard awesome stories about him... from his mom.. What mom says bad things about their own son?
Todd should just stay as far away from anything PR related as possible. Hire a fall guy.
How do you get that?

Bethesda are one of the few good developers around. Ken Levine is the shit version of Todd Howard.

They have poor writers for their RPGs though, just compare the scripts/quests/storylines of Fallout 3 to that of Fallout: New Vegas.
Bethesda are one of the few good developers around. Ken Levine is the shit version of Todd Howard.

You mean the high quality of their engine, life-like characters, perfect voice acting, varied, non-cliche storylines, balanced gameplay and consistent gameworlds?
They have poor writers for their RPGs though, just compare the scripts/quests/storylines of Fallout 3 to that of Fallout: New Vegas.

True enough, but Obsidian can't make the game parts of a game for toffee
Still, only Bethesda would hire Patrick Stewart to voice a character who spews hilarious fantasy cliches and then dies ten minutes into the game.
You mean the high quality of their engine, life-like characters, perfect voice acting, varied, non-cliche storylines, balanced gameplay and consistent gameworlds?

"Nation's power supplies flourish as worlds first "Butt Hurt Generator" is hooker directly into Tagaziel's mouth"
I don't see how those two are even comparable...

Kind of like if I said Cliffy B was the shit version of Sid Meier.
Well I liked Oblivion which puts me decidedly in one camp around these parts, so it stands to reason that I like Todd and the way he has been doing things. And I do like his mum. That said, it sounds like Skyrim will address a lot of the complaints folks had with Oblivion, but we really need to wait and see what Bethesda does and what the modders do before we get too humpty.
VictimOfScience, I liked Oblivion too, but I don't think it is an amazing RPG when compared to for example Morrowind, or Fallout: New Vegas for that matter.
VictimOfScience, I liked Oblivion too, but I don't think it is an amazing RPG when compared to for example Morrowind, or Fallout: New Vegas for that matter.
No, I agree. It will be extremely difficult for them to top Morrowind I think, especially thanks to the commercial successes they have had since. They have less and less reason to go back to that old form. :(
With Bioware's failure, this may be the grab for top rpg developer that Bethesda needs. I honestly hope they can pull off an excellent game. Daggerfall and Morrowind were some of my greatest gaming moments and if they can pull off anything near that or Oblivion (especially after DA2) they will have positioned themselves as the top RPG developer.
Top rpg developer, hahaha. I'll just get TW2.
Nice joke, Cornerstone, for a moment I thought you were serious.
Haha, I can't believe you Cornerstone.
Are you just being willfully ignorant?

Have you not played the vastly superior New Vegas? Or games like Divinity 2? Or Risen? Or even The Witcher?
Hell, even DA: O is better than Oblivion.

edit: Was trying to have a bit of fun but not much activity here at the moment left it vulnerable to getting destroyed before I could retort. :(
inb4 Tagaziel/Barnz smugfest.

(Also you're wrong, heh.

Edit: Wow that's quite some edit, Lucid. I'm honestly not sure if you were being sarcastic then or now.
I didn't feel anything for the world in Oblivion. I've felt more connected in MMOs
Or Risen?

Risen? I played it. That game is just a little, funny joke. I truly believe that Skyrim has the potential to crown Bethesda as top rpg developer. Or one of the best.
Risen is really good actually.

If we're talking about funny jokes then we best start talking about FO3 or Oblivion again.