Recent content by ParaBellum

  1. ParaBellum

    Valve > Pirates

    It is everyone's moral duty to get an illegal copy of HL2 as long as that piece of crap steam is being forced on customers.
  2. ParaBellum

    People who dont have internet ??

    No, its not.
  3. ParaBellum

    Regarding AI (VALVe statement)

    So it's established then that HL2 will make heavy use of scripting. Good, now lets move on.
  4. ParaBellum

    Chris Bokitch Talks Half-Life 2 AI

    Why is Chris Bokitch assuming it's not scripted? Doesn't he work at Vavle? Couldn't he just ask Gabe what the truth is? Or is he just the coffee boy at Vavle?
  5. ParaBellum

    Smooth Games Lashes Out

    They are idiots because they feel it is their right to post screenshots of illegal software.
  6. ParaBellum

    X-Bit labs breaking the rules?

    They're in Russia. They can get away with anything.
  7. ParaBellum

    Why Lamespy should FIRE Fragmaster !

    FOILED again!
  8. ParaBellum

    Why Lamespy should FIRE Fragmaster !

    Lock failed!
  9. ParaBellum

    Why Lamespy should FIRE Fragmaster !

    Err, in case you may not have noticed, but you're not exactly accomplishing anything by whinning about Fragmaster on forums. Take it to PHL.
  10. ParaBellum

    Stalker physics video

    What I like about stalker's physics so far is that ulike in HL2, the arms and legs don't twist around in an unrealistic way. Both of them will be cool games.
  11. ParaBellum

    Why Lamespy should FIRE Fragmaster !

    Wow, how old are you? 10? Your posts are geting old and so is your constant name calling.
  12. ParaBellum

    Why Lamespy should FIRE Fragmaster !

    Ok, you have bought attention to an issue you feel is important. No one agrees with you, so please now go away.
  13. ParaBellum

    Half Life rated 2nd Scariest game of all time.

    There is no way that HL is 2nd most scariest game ever. Just no way.
  14. ParaBellum

    Why Lamespy should FIRE Fragmaster !

    Dude, you're obsessed with Fragmaster. Did he beat you up or something?
  15. ParaBellum

    Doom 3 Vs. Half-Life 2 redux....

    D3 does overuse bumpmapping in place of more polygons to help performance. That is a down side to full dynamic lighting with multiple sources.