I've been using RTCW for testing. With it I've been able to look at character models, weapon models and map designs with it. No real play testing, but Acceptable for some concept testing. Just wish it has normal mapped characters.
I've got so much to do and so little time to work on it that...
the first thing to when trying to learn max at home is to download the VTM's from 3dbuzz. they have several hours of good video and you'll learn ALOT!!
you should learn just about all you need to know for gun modeling from the VTM's alone.
For a contest you need to set some criteria that needs to be met.
maximum number of verticies and triangles
will the model will have a normal map applied or not
will the model have Lod levels included
does she need to be texture mapped
what file format do you want? or will it...
The mod I've been working on wont realy be affected by the delay. It would have been nice to be able to do some testing of certian things, but I have ALOT to do anyhow.
I have been tinkering with RTCW for some testing of model and map ideas, just to see what they look like during play, but...
The Troopers mod looks cool, I looked at it earlier this year but had forgotten about it. I'm still very suprised they have been allowed to do it. Those guys must relay know the right things to say to lucasfilm.
About George Lucas though, dont forget He's the one that tried to sue Glen...
The CPU drain problem could minimized somewhat by good use of a LOD system. Make the LOD that starts cranking up the polys be close enough so that you'd probably be hard pressed to create a situation where you that close to more than one character at a time.
I dont think were going to have...
Always be VERY carefull when doing anything that might even remotly be considered related to Star Wars. Mr Lucas is VERY VERY sensitive about copyright infringments. He even goes after people who have whole new ideas, and even some whose written ideas pre-date the Star Wars release in 1977. As...
Do the rest of the body first and then check it against an actual photo. the nose may not be quite as short as you are thinking it is.
when you look at car body panels without the rest of the car for reference youre eyes and brain will tell you its wrong when it may be right, and vice versa...
I've been offling for a while, and have been super busy lately but My mod is still on track and hasnt been abandoned. I've been doing som e modeling when I get the time, but theres been little of that. In october I think I'll be able to get some more modding time.
I have been working on som...
My interpitation of the e-mails and interviews with valve. There was one in particular that said it, but I cant remember which one right at the moment.
Seems like it was said that the Game engine dynamicly switches to a lower polycount model.
The LOD systems that I've seen before ALWAYS...
OK, yes its looking better.
One thing I seen that I think you'll want to remove is the small ridge thats sticking out on the left side of the receiver just above the pistolgrip. It looks like you might have been trying to make a selector lever or something. There are no moving controls on...