Recent content by SenorDingDong

  1. S

    "Should I Get This?" Thread

    not true, i know a few girls who make fun of the guys who wear the really tight jeans and stuff.
  2. S

    Must-have albums

    Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime Dream Theater - Scenes from a Memory
  3. S

    Iron Maiden

    i also fail to see whats funny about that.
  4. S

    Iron Maiden

    your a tool.
  5. S

    Iron Maiden

    well it has leaked on the internet... and I have to say. It really is a great album. Its the best to have come out since Seventh Son. Its really the only album that has come out in the 90's or 2000, that can stand next to their stuff in the 80's. "The Longest Day" is simply amazing. Im...
  6. S

    Iron Maiden

    from everything ive read so far, this album is their best stuff since the 80's. and it certainly sounds great too.
  7. S

    I just saw Snakes on a Plane.

    You cant really explain it, you just have to see it.
  8. S

    I just saw Snakes on a Plane.

    Nobody needs your depressing attitude so get outta here. It was an awesome movie, for people who enjoy a laugh. guess u dont. "GET THIS ****IN SNAKE OFF MY DICK" LOL
  9. S

    I just saw Snakes on a Plane.

    best movie of the year. Its soo rediculous
  10. S

    Why so many bad rock songs about girls?

    thats the worst thing ive ever heard.
  11. S

    Iron Maiden

    why? I dont want Maiden too sound like anyone else. And I didnt necessarily mean playing the songs. I more meant can you compose riffs like that, and make as good of songs as Maiden. Obviously anyway whos good at a guitar can just read the tabs and play it.
  12. S

    Iron Maiden

    can you create riffs like theres though? and play in a band synchronizing triple guitar harmonies? Also, Brighter then a tousand sons is amazing!! This new album looks to be pretty sweet.
  13. S

    Company Of Hereos Public Beta

    yea patch didnt do anything. still get connection problem every 3 seconds.
  14. S

    Possible end to Hostilities

    Yes, but at least it looks like somethings finally being done.