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  1. G


    Which gigabyte board? I have one with a sata raid setup.
  2. G

    post your 3dmark05 scores here

    3dmark is crap, 5900xt is a far superior card to 9600xt, yet 9600 blows 5900 away in 2005. I spit on 3dmark
  3. G

    post your 3dmark05 scores here

    961, with cpu running at 2gigz, instead of 2.4, and GPU not touched. I'll do overclock bench tommorow. I had about 2 fps the entire time, I was all happy to have this comp lol
  4. G

    Lifetime of 6600 GT?

    Well dont forget, the 4200 is the one of the best cards of all time, and CS:S is extremly optimized
  5. G

    My 1,000 post: X800 pro and ATi's new drivers vs. 6800GT

    Maybe you should remember, nvidia dumps out performace boosting drivers, constanly.
  6. G

    T shirt in CE

    Medium wouldn't fit you, unless it was a medium designed for some mythical giant.
  7. G

    T shirt in CE

    Now that i think about it I am as well. I'm not buying a DvD-rom just for a t-shirt and hl source lol
  8. G

    T shirt in CE

    Erm, Xl isnt for big men... Everyone i know wheres xl, and most of them are skinny as rails. BTW. I wear XL.... and am nowhere near "fat" I just didnt want a ****ing small, that only my 6 year old brother can fit into.
  9. G

    router recomondations

    Its fun, nub.
  10. G

    T shirt in CE

    Well hmm? What is it like xxxxxxxxxl one size fits all? Or is the box gonna list size :rolleyes:
  11. G

    how do i mod my evga 6800 NU to 16 pipes

    may i suggest
  12. G

    router recomondations

    My linux box, acts as a hardware firewall. Its more secure, then any router you have. NUB Not to mention MOREFUN, If you dont agree its fun, thats your problem.
  13. G

    router recomondations

    If you ask me routers suck. Its more fun to run the internet through another box. I've got 2 ethernet cards, and 2 onboard in this comp, and i'm getting a pci wireless card now. Its just neat.
  14. G

    Like using Outlook/Outlook Express for you hotmail account?

    I'm taking arms up, this tyrant must be crushed, whose with me!
  15. G

    Athlon 64 @ 3.6GHz

    Man oh man. Thats awesome
  16. G

    Help needed with PC problem

    350 isnt actualy much for a highend system now adays. I dont recomend less then 400 to anyone. as for your video card not having any problems? how many drives? what cpu? These new high end cpus can suck power like no other.
  17. G

    HIGHEND/ Yes or No?

    yeah its highend. Beats mine :(
  18. G

    Why exactly are PCs better than Macs?

    Versatility, upgradeable, ability to run, linux, windows, (lindows) what ever you want with out a problem, ummmmmm There are actualy programs made for windows, Games! Blah blah. Plus mac look to fruity for me
  19. G

    Help needed with PC problem

    Does sound like power supply, but i wouldn't rule out card is wiggin. The exact same thing happened to my brothers computer, when his geforce 3 was dieing. Replaced card, with a 4200 never had a problem again
  20. G

    RAID Questions

    Lol been there