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  1. G

    Surround Sound Issues

    Yeah you might havbe UAJ. But mine has a pci bracket, to hook up to the board. You can hook your speakers up to TV, if you they have optical in, or RCA digital in. If not you'll need to buy a converter. Green in your center? Odd... Green should be your front right, front left...
  2. G

    I'm surprised that many people wants my cpu!

    Nex. AMD is better, you dont need no fugin 3500. I've got a 3000, overclocked from 2gigz, to 2.4gigz, with stock cooling, and only 2700 ram. I out score every cpu on Sisandra, granted it doesnt have any amd64s listed. But it does have 3.6 p4. Which i whore. btw, 3000 is only 160$...
  3. G

    RAID Questions

    Yeah, thats what i thought. My current board, supports 0+1 on IDE Raid. Sata doesnt, but thats only cause 2 of my 4 satas are raid.
  4. G

    RAID Questions

    isnt that the same as raid 0+1?
  5. G


    I dont know what board yours is, nor what the card is. But i know my mobo wont work with agp2x cards, wont do anything. Bleh. Someone wanan delete the double post?
  6. G


    I dont know what board yours is, nor what the card is. But i know my mobo wont work with agp2x cards, wont do anything.
  7. G

    RAID Questions

    I see a HUGE difference. In my K8NSNXP. I can load battlefield maps in about 10 seconds with my raid 0, with 2 sata 7200s, instead of 20 or more with my IDE 7200
  8. G

    Surround Sound Issues

    Just to clarify, i was looking at your board, and i only see 3 audio ports, how are you hooking up your surrond sound?
  9. G

    Surround Sound Issues

    I dont know if you can, i know i can. So i see no reason you cant. You might need a digital, to analog surrond sound converter, if you dont have optical/RCA digital in on your speakers. Or if your computer has digital in, you could run it from DVD to computer, then to speakers, like i do...
  10. G

    Stupid Problem

    Aye, Voltage mate!
  11. G

    Stupid Problem

    *laughs @ noob*
  12. G

    Surround Sound Issues

    Yeah, try a movie, or a game with surrond sound. Music doesnt have it :D and no, You dont need a sound card for surrond sound :rolleyes:
  13. G

    Hmmmm, I'm confused LOL!

    I get that stupid, Error. My raid setup, hates playing video and using bit torrent at same time. Its weird, but i just ignore it :) You dont have a tv card installed by any chance do you?
  14. G

    RAID Questions

    Wrong, my raid 0, is a shit load faster then my drives solo.
  15. G

    System Build Tips and Prices- Cheap Setups That Meet HL2 Minimum and Recommended Reqs

    No insane budget CPU is correct, with out a AMD64. Intel is garabage.
  16. G


    sp2 is wonderful. But thats a hell of an odd error m8
  17. G

    Selling Ti4400

    Theres one problem with selling it to him. I actualy though about relaying it to him, or my buddy in the UK. Ran into a slight problem, Shipping shit overseas is Expensive! I mean way not worth it. But seriously 80$ if i popped it on ebay? Or some forums? Drools 60$ profit.
  18. G

    Selling Ti4400

    My buddys selling a Geforce 4400TI. I know 4200 are still popular, any idea how much i could sell a 4400 for? He only wants 20$ Hehehe
  19. G

    I gots questions...

    I own Comcast cable, my max download is about 400k/s Never get slower, unless download server is slower.
  20. G

    Buying VS Building

    Well, I'd say you can salvage the 9700 just fine. I'd upgrade PSU though, to at least 400. as for 1500-2000 Damn boy! I spent 1150, my computer runs CS:S damn. 1150$ includes, 130$ speakers,1 200gig IDE, 2 80gig Satas for raid, 5900xt, athlon 64 3000, and a gig of ram. You can build...