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  1. N

    EBGames rolls release date back again.

    pick a date, any date.
  2. N

    HL2 physics vs Honda Accord commercial "cog"

    ahh of course, top heavy, pushed from left, rolls up, neurons in gear!
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    HL2 physics vs Honda Accord commercial "cog"

    excuse me for being dumb, how do you weight something to roll uphill?? im trying to grasp the concept but i justs caint
  4. N

    the HL2 source code theft is tearing us apart!

    i believe its the way that things were handled by Valve thats the cause of this "tearing apart". think how much posts and dedgery over a release date. valves PR is totally to blame
  5. N

    Your thoughts/specultions on HL2's current development status.

    sep 30th! its true, i need more things going on in my life, i come on here looking as if im going to find a Half life 2 out tomorrow confirmed thread . i just want to play
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    Code far from complete

    oooo fishy fishhy that went whereever i did gooo!
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    cant release the benchmark because of evil hax0rs! apprently its set to blow up valve hq if its run on 4x AA
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    Is it time to Form a New Clan!

    revive clan Goatse!
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    New High Quality Half-Life 2 Screenies

    no you will burn in hell and you will die and burn forever!!! did i mention the burning?
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    Did Valve Lie To Us ?

    arrghhh i want to play! you bastards !! (you know i do wish my life was so much more fulfilling)
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    Did Valve Lie To Us ?

    i hope im wrong :)
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    Half Life 2 , if you got any reason not to dload the beta

    not the bestial kind you like kyle :)
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    EB Games New Date!!!

    hey they wernt referring to sep 30th of the ancient babylonian calender were they?
  14. N

    When it be available ?

    tf2 , benchmarks, condition zero , half life as you said. again its not quality thats a problem , they make brilliant games, i throw my money at them. but as i said, they are open to Duke nukem forever comparisons.
  15. N

    When it be available ?

    ok nice and simple, ill try and type english. i not talking about the qaulity of the product. The game will be superb imho but thats irrelevant. its the release date debacle we are talking about. You dont confidently assure us that its coming out on a date and wait a few days before ...
  16. N

    EB Games New Date!!!

    sep 30th!
  17. N

    Half Life 2 , if you got any reason not to dload the beta

    yep, stealing and hacking is bad mmkay. but dloading pron and mp3s and games is fine. i think most people that dload the beta will actually buy the game. i now i will, i wont dload the beta not because of any moral bullsh-t but because i want the best damn experience. (like im staying...
  18. N

    VALVe losing gamers?

    yep, stealing and hacking is bad mmkay. but dloading pron and mp3s and games is fine. i think most people that dload the beta will actually buy the game. i now i will, i wont dload the beta not because of any moral bullsh-t but because i want the best damn experience. (like im staying...
  19. N

    When it be available ?

    you're right they owe us nothing. but you must concede that they have jerked people around and that they are open to ridicule.
  20. N

    Did Valve Lie To Us ?

    and if they dont, then will you finally agree that they lied to us?