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  1. T

    The G-Man's Employers ....

    I don't think valve or Marc Laidlaw would want to bring such a tired cliche into the storyline (I know there are plenty of cliches in HL, but they're not at all as specific as the Illuminati). Besides, as I remember it, the Illuminati were pretty significant in Deus'd just get very...
  2. T

    Who's for some over-analysis, then? Coastline vid...

    Sorry to divert the thread, but I'd never seen the "Northern Petrol" writing before Moto-X's screenshot - I'd been wondering what the NP logo was for - I googled Northern Petrol and it turns out it's a real company, but the only result seems to be a stock rating. Anyone think this detail has...
  3. T

    HL1 body count

    Nah not really...took me about four hours to play through up to where the last soldiers were ("Forget About Freeman")...just kept a tally on a bit of paper. I should say, it's not neccessarily 100% spot on - there may well be up to 10 I didn't count. What I will say is that it is AT LEAST this...
  4. T

    HL1 night and day change

    Er...kiss my ass. There's half a dozen discussions about the original game that are active at the minute. If you can point me in the direction of a previous discussion of this then fair enough. Otherwise, shut up unless you've got anything useful to add.
  5. T

    HL1 body count

    I know, I'm trying to keep it within some kind of sensible limits....
  6. T

    HL1 night and day change

    I've noticed that the second time you get to the surface, near the satellite launch complex, it is nighttime. I was always a bit unsure about this - it only takes about an hour and a half real-time to get there, and the game starts at 8.47am! But I figure, Gordon might hang around more in the...
  7. T

    HL1 body count

    No-one was close! 153!!! Including 7 assassins I was surprised myself, I had expected about 50. If you add in tank and helicopter crews: 3 attack helicopters* (crew of 2): 6 2 transport choppers (crew and passengers: 9, going by Op For intro): 18 2 big tanks (crew 3?): 6 2 mini tanks...
  8. T

    HL1 body count

    I'm interested to see how many soldiers you'd all guess you kill in Half-Life 1? Don't ask why... btw female assassins are included..I've been keeping count and it's more than I expected....
  9. T

    Its Hip To Hate! (apparently)

    Kind of inevitable really...with the general slowness of new info, people are gonna get pissed off. Everyone was so excited to start with, not like they can get more excited...
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    Crouching and Accuracy

    I always find the various ways on increasing accuracy in FPS games a bit of a drag...
  11. T

    My Xen Lifeform Metamorphosis Theory/Xen Lifeform Paradox

    You know, these ideas are all well and good, but just because some of the Xen creatures look similar doesn't mean they are the same species at different ages - to paraphrase someone else, humans and other primates are very similar. An alien might well surmise that chimps, gorillas and humans are...
  12. T

    The Platinum Edition

    A voucher for a free Radeon graphics card! I'd like a freeze-dried snark
  13. T

    Freeman: The Legend.

    liek jEsuS! Ahem...sorry.
  14. T

    Something about HL1 I thought of

    You know, that's wierd. I was playing through Xen the other day (bit of a safari, kill some time), and was thinking that Gordon must be wearing a sealed helmet...but as you say, he isn't - doesn't make much sense really does it? Not only would you expect him to suffocate (I'd wouldn't expect Xen...
  15. T

    Other locations..

    Yeah, I hadn't thought of it like that before...I guess Xen did have a bit of a spooky Mexican desert/ghost town feel to it in a way...only with man-eating aliens of course.
  16. T

    untold singleplayer and multiplayer events

    Yeah...of course there is. So far we've probably seen a total of about an hours ingame footage and about 3 screenshots. They're hardly going to show every enemy, every location, every bit of dialogue and combat that's in the game, months before it's released, especially with the upset of the...
  17. T

    Other locations..

    Sorry, to clarify, I didn't mean that the Combine are neccessary Xen, just that it is the same principle of converting the human landscape. That's what I meant by redundant.
  18. T

    Other locations..

    Yeah, sorry about changing my mind..idle thoughts come in waves..I don't really know why I didn't like it in HL...all I really remember is non-descript orangey "lumps" in several places, didn't think it was done too well. But my memory could be failing me. I think Op For did it better (being...