Search results

  1. Geno

    Tales of Symphonia

    It's way too complicated ROFLMWOFL, are you kidding me? This has got to be one of the simplest RPGs i've ever played. The gameplay is tight, and the storyline had enough twists to keep me interested. Also, i know jap voice acting is almost always better, but c'mon, it has the voices of Cam...
  2. Geno

    Some nice moves

    what about breakdancing? *does free handed head spin*
  3. Geno

    THis site has awesome mods.

    if you're frayed try using conditioner.
  4. Geno

    Your Favorite Martial Art

    TWO FISTED MONKEY STYLE!!!!!! or that one they teach to korean police :l
  5. Geno

    THis site has awesome mods.

    At other places things sit around for days. I make an, topic in general gaming and within minutes it was terminated. But then again, who wants a spoilers topic around anwyay...
  6. Geno

    Life *major spoilers*

    But hey, at least you can revel in the awesome physics and best graphics ever seen. The weapons in this suck though.
  7. Geno

    Recommend Mods

    Matrix Mod for Madness combat :p
  8. Geno

    Battlefield 2 trailer.

    I want to fly that jet :l
  9. Geno

    Life *major spoilers*

    Point? There is no point. Too old to make points.
  10. Geno

    HL2 fans death before the games release.

    sorry it took me so long to reply, i was staring at platinum's avy (is that kera nightley?). man, i can just imagine someone loading up HL2, and the moment they hit start new game they knock over a coca cola onto their PC and somehow electrocute themselves.
  11. Geno

    Life *major spoilers*

    The main character dies at the end.
  12. Geno

    Favorite in game cutscene......

    ^^^i disagree.
  13. Geno

    gordon freeman's shocking secret

  14. Geno

    stalker, just another far cry, isn't it ??

    man, i'm gonna have so much fun with co op, i'll be like "hey 'joe, why don't you go walk into that shimmery sphere looking area?" "well alright zach!" *walks in* "what's going on?" "dear Lord it's crushing me alive!" *spine snaps* *whistles, runs away*
  15. Geno

    Post your five most wanted game here.

    HL2 Alien Hominid Resident Evil 4 Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat Fire Emblem GC
  16. Geno

    Favorite in game cutscene......

    as far as FMV, i'm gonna have to go with Tales of Symphonia, when the great tree rips out of the ground and its roots rip apart like half the world. honorable mentions: soul calibur 2 intro, starcraft amerigo cutscene, grey fox confronting liquid... but as far as cutscenes using the ingame...
  17. Geno

    Tales of Symphonia

    ToS pwns.... i still haven't beaten it :|
  18. Geno

    Can enemy A.I. use physics as well?

    how do we know WE know what we're doing? perhaps we are super advanced code!
  19. Geno

    Watch for pink dotted textures!

    wow..... i need a PC. by the sounds of it, there's no way my laptop is running this game.
  20. Geno

    dune buggy/introduction

    i have some illegal friends.... mr. counterfeit money and mrs. x :p