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  1. F

    Tiberian Sun: Armagedon (HL2 mod) HELP WANTED!!!

    Not read the sticky's, eh ?
  2. F

    Want to get a Mod team together

    Good luck on that... there really is a lack of "ideas men" and project leaders in the modding community.
  3. F

    a new half life 2 modification 'JD'

    ...of having any idea what the game's about ?
  4. F

    Maybe Im Just Stupid!

    Did you copy the .bsp file to the right directory ?
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    Im stuck, plz help

    That's all very well until you get stuck in an area with a load of boxes and a ledge above you... 10 minutes of stacking later you find out the ledge is clipped and you can't get up there. :angry:
  6. F

    HALF-LIFE 2 mp mod.

    Is this a joke ?
  7. F

    Im stuck, plz help

    Those blue barrels float, and there's a cage under one end of the ramp... Use the physics, Luke ! :)
  8. F

    Webspace for wannabe mods ?

    It's not so much for the site, as it is for the hosting... if you get what I mean...
  9. F

    Webspace for wannabe mods ?

    Howdy, Are there any free webspace places for wannabe HL2 mod types ? I'd like somewhere to host a couple of things about my mod (Interception, posted about on here long, long ago), but don't really want to throw money at a domain name and webspace until I have something worth throwing money...
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    Valandil Looking For Team Members

    That's hardly fair... although I guess it's too be expected under these Blair/Bush governments... FASCISTS ! /me stops thread derailment
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    Valandil Looking For Team Members

    He doesn't... I was trying my hand at this "funny" I've been hearing so much about.
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    Valandil Looking For Team Members

    I'm guessing you're not the PR guy...?
  13. F

    Stealing from CS:S

    Really ? Huh, I could've sworn I'd seen mass forum lynching when someone shows off their new map for a random mod that happens to use CS's grass texture or some such thing.
  14. F

    Stealing from CS:S

    While thinking of ways to lazy my way through making version 1 of a mod the other day, I started to wonder... with CS:S being HL2's multiplayer, does that mean its textures / models / etc are all fair game for "recycling" ?
  15. F

    possibilities of cameras

    In my Interception idea I posted here way back about one team hunting the other, I was considering the idea of the hunters having some sort of camera gun... they could hit one of the runners with it, then see what he sees. Could be fun having the runners scan each other for cameras when they...
  16. F

    What Kind of Mod Would you like to see for HL2?

    It's easier to use other peoples ideas than come up with your own.
  17. F


    Sounds... ambitious
  18. F

    Game for Loosers-thoughts on game mechanics

    I think Natural Selection is a good example for this... it's lots more fun to lose as marines than it is as aliens. No matter how much you start losing as marines your tech level stays the same, and while you can be overwhelmed by the alien forces you're still capable of holding them off for a...
  19. F

    Modding HL2 for a game without guns?

    Must... resist... having... this... argument... again !!!! Anyway, it may just be years of mindless TV and video game violence desensitising me, but I don't see how you could really pull of fear in a video game environment. All I can really imagine you being able to do is anticipation and...