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  1. F

    Modding HL2 for a game without guns?

    Wouldn't that just be a load of empty maps, then ? :) *avoids starting an argument about Most Haunted being staged*
  2. F

    Modding HL2 for a game without guns?

    Venmoch, wouldn't that idea be a smidge more scarey if there wasn't actually a physical hunter ? Something like Final Destination where death just seems to happen, but with a hint of something controlling it would be better in my opinion... once you've seen something it takes away some of the...
  3. F

    Animosity- Single-player HL2 Adventure

    Transfering from one game to another isn't just a case of saying "oooh, Unreal 3 looks nice... Bye HL2 !" and carrying on where you left off. For the most part you'd be starting from scratch every time you changed game engine. My thought is the same an Fenric's... :(
  4. F Community Mod

    Sounds a bit steep... seeing as this'd just be a bunch of people basicly mucking about, it should probably be kept to something simple...
  5. F

    What should a mod leader actually do ?

    Yea... hopefully. Been washing it around my head for ages now, with new ideas being attached to it every so often. Although that wasn't what this thread was about... I'm not after a team or anything as I know I have no credibility and am currently trying to get on to a 3 year Art course, so...
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    Ashes of Tomorrow

    The jist of U2XMP was that each team had a base, with some artifacts, and you won by taking the other teams artifacts back to your base, like CTF... however at the same time (and this is the bit your post reminded me of) there are several power stations dotted about the map with either team can...
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    Ashes of Tomorrow

    So, it's like Unreal 2's XMP ?
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    Unconventional Warfare

    Holy acronym-buzzword frenzy, Batman ! Sounds like you've put a lot of ideas in to this, but not too much thought... I mean, how useful would a battlecruiser really be in any of those gametypes ? Perhaps it'd be worth scaling it down a smidge... big ideas are great and everything, but only...
  9. F

    What should a mod leader actually do ?

    Right on both counts. ;) I'm a little bit surprised the opinions so far aren't more like Fenric's "they should be able to do at least 90% of the mod themselves" going by the usual responses in the Help Wanted forum when people say how little they'll actually be doing. :) ('The Dude' is...
  10. F

    What should a mod leader actually do ?

    After reading many a thread on the Help Wanted forum with people saying that they want help to do their mod idea, and they'll 'act like a director' or 'be doing concept art' I started to wonder what it is that makes a credible mod leader. To me it just doesn't seem to sound 'right' if the mod...
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    HalfLife2 : Resonance - Space Combat

    Would you trust this man ? :) :P
  12. F

    Need help on making a simple SP-mod

    Better get mapping...
  13. F

    Unparrallel Journey

    Well, no, they can't... because from what I can see you've only typed up the story and avoided any mention of the gameplay.
  14. F


    I'm torn over the 'Hunters strong at long range, Runners strong at short range' idea... (I've been going over this mod idea in my head for months, pretty much everything has crossed my mind at some point :)) while it might add a bit of fun to the gameplay, the Runners would probably see it as...
  15. F


    That's an interesting idea for a gameplay mode, but possibly a little over my abilitys. :) The problem with it that I can see though is that the running team ceases to be a team... it's just a group of individuals doing the same thing. :( (and the first Runner that was killed is likely to...
  16. F

    Project EXO

    It does sound like you've just glanced across your games shelf, picked off your favourites and thought "wow, how cool would it be if all these things were in 1 game ?!". Ambitious ideas are great and everything, but the way you list what you'll be doing as "Art, Music Composition, Plot, and...
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    The Forgotten War

    Dammit, that'll learn me to hit reply and mock someone in IRC before typing in my message. :)
  18. F

    The Forgotten War

    Disclaimer : Player will not use the entire arsenal of the US army ! What's the point in saying that if you know it's not true ?
  19. F


    You clearly don't read the Natural Selection forums... people there illustrate epic battles using the marine and alien 'smileys'. I do like my smiley faces, though. :)
  20. F


    Well, it's not in some of the earlier examples. :) Another anti-llama feature in the OFP version was that the Resistance got a nice map update every 5 minutes telling them where each player was. Although to make it slightly more fair it just noted the runners positions at 4 minutes, then...