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  1. Donut4000

    Cat survives a 80' drop!

    Shame - can't you ask the nice moderators....after 3495 posts, you are a regular customer..: )
  2. Donut4000

    Cat survives a 80' drop!

    here Korebolter - how come your post count didn't go up after your last you have special powers, Like Andi mcDowell in her L'Oreal ads?
  3. Donut4000

    you gotta love 'Trigger Happy'!

    It's guilty wee pleasure - he is a sort of student pop Beadle, but I laugh despite myself...:)
  4. Donut4000

    Cat survives a 80' drop!

    What I don't understand is if cats are such good climbers - why the hell do they get stuck up trees so much? I rock climb in my spare time, and I do conceed that climbing back down is harder than it was going up (for a start, your head is at the wrong end to see whats going on..), but I don't...
  5. Donut4000

    Gordon Freeman's Great Vision...

    I wonder what other health problems he has...on top of the possible myopia, maybe he has high blood pressure, disrupted sleep (if he ever sleeps), anxiety, flatulence? - on the outside - as cool as a cucumber....on the inside, a total shakey, wound up spazzy wreck. No wonder he is so...
  6. Donut4000

    Gordon Freeman's Great Vision...

    Maybe they don't have lenses, and he's just trying to look cool.
  7. Donut4000

    Gordon Freeman's Great Vision...

    Hmmmpff.....they look like reading glasses....I bet the resistance steal his lunch at playtime...
  8. Donut4000

    Gordon Freeman's Great Vision...

    Why is Freeman still wearing specs? I have to, but if I had to run through canals of shite/radioactive waste, dusty streets, grotty caves and blow the general crap out of stuff - I'd need to keep cleaning them, thus allowing myself to get the crap kicked, shot and stabbed out me while...
  9. Donut4000

    MINERVA: Metastasis 2 released

    Heeehee....sure have - been doing that for a while - seems to work rather well to. Wonder if we'll get more sniping weapons (other than the crossbow) in future releases...
  10. Donut4000

    MINERVA: Metastasis 2 released

    You need to boot your computer again, repeatedly hitting F8 after the first BIOS screen. You should get a boot option screen - You need to scroll down to the VGA boot option. That will get you to the desktop again at the lowest default resolution. You can then go into your moinitor settings and...
  11. Donut4000

    (warning: stupid thread) drinking and the flu

    Aaahh - cheers : )
  12. Donut4000

    (warning: stupid thread) drinking and the flu

    Hey man - if you grow extra nipples on your leg from drinking, fire straight in and post the photos; forge a new front ear as it were...: )
  13. Donut4000

    Windows Vista Is Now Obsolete!

    Heeehee...just saw your avatar Revisedsoul - are you making bread?
  14. Donut4000

    Windows Vista Is Now Obsolete!

    Blimey - off topic...but folk are easily pissed off here....
  15. Donut4000

    dam I got in the addiction of DDR

    ....In fact - I'm going to have to make a wee list of all the acronyms I don't understand...I feels left out.....not since school have I ramblerambleramble......: (
  16. Donut4000

    dam I got in the addiction of DDR

    Oh Crud...whats DDR?
  17. Donut4000

    Utah bill that equates games with porno passes in House of Rep

    I tend to agree with Sulkdodds - seems to me to be another 'rolls eyes to the ceiling' ruling....I am getting more and more tired of conservative ideologies....they are making me <want> to break laws....puerile..but true in my easily goaded case..
  18. Donut4000

    Utah bill that equates games with porno passes in House of Rep

    Where are you posting from? - I'm not being funny - I'm posting from Glasgow, and in the UK as a whole, there are very few death in children to guns...if I'm being dull because where you live, this is a problem - I am sorry; this was an example to illustrate a point. I think we both agree this...
  19. Donut4000

    Utah bill that equates games with porno passes in House of Rep

    Isn't this mentality making steps down the same road of those that blamed Marilyn Manson for the Columbine shootings - insofar as a specific genre/person etc can cause so much 'corruption' in our youth, they go off the rails. I seem to remember that one being rounded off toi a fair degree with...
  20. Donut4000

    Most disturbing thing you've ever seen?

    I read on The Register a few days ago that Miss Hiltion was being considered for a major role in and new film. Her people in California are in discussions with the film producera at the moment. trouble is the role is for none other than Mother Teresa. I wish I w2as making this up...