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  1. Z

    MGS3 trailer... looks ****ing class

    with sc3 aren't they making it more of an action game in that you can start killing enemies without failing missions? Like on gamespot they were talking about how you are given a knife and stuff, you can now snap guards' necks etc. Or has that always been a part of Splinter Cell? I've never...
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    ThiefIII review

    !? The reviewer gave it 4 out of 5 stars. I thought the stuff he said about the graphics was a bit harsh. I mean I've looked at screenshots and watched the trailer, I thought the graphics and animation were rather good. I especially hate his comment that it is undoubtedly one of the most ugliest...
  3. Z


    Maybe because he's interested in HL2? Why does it matter that he hasn't played/finished HL1? Everyone has their own reasons for being interested in a a particular game. @RTFMish If I were you I would play it for a bit longer until you get through the experiment. That's really when the game...
  4. Z

    Maybe DNF Ain't Quite Dead Yet...

    Didn't they change engines a couple of times? I thought that was one of the reasons why it had been in development for so long. IIRC they originally started work on it using the quake 2 engine. I won't get excited about it until I'm 100% sure of it's release(date).
  5. Z

    Gamespot Best of E3

    well said. Totally agree I'm not exactly sure about some of the awards they gave. But then it's their opinion(however crazy or insane it might seem). For me Rome:Total War was easily THE strategy game of the show and the best pc game of the show. HL2 I would say was the best shooter and in...
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    RTW gets IGN's best of E3 award.

    cool. IMO he's done a fantastic job(at least judging from the screeshots and trailers). I think this game deserved the award, I've been waiting for the next instalment in the total war series for ages. I can't wait for this game. I wouldn't mind getting a copy of the game for £7. *wink*...
  7. Z

    Gamespot's top 10 - Are they serious?

    People like Nickzer, are some of the reasons why I sometimes doubt the statement a lot of people come out with, which is "intelligent gamers play on the pc". I mean I'm very much in a similar position as warbie. First and foremost I'm a pc gamer and a console gamer second. I've been a part of...
  8. Z

    Gamespot's top 10 - Are they serious?

    I never said that people only want to play HL2 for its graphics and physics(although those are two of the main things people go on about on this site). A story is important to a game definitely, but I would still consider playing a game even if it had a crap story or no story. The most important...
  9. Z

    Gamespot's top 10 - Are they serious?

    *sigh* You won't find those games on the top ten that you're talking about(even though they are great games) for the simple fact that they weren't released in the past 12 months, which is what that chart represents. It represents the games with the highest scores that were released in the...
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    Gamespot's top 10 - Are they serious?

    But doesn't that also mean a smaller installed userbase and thereby that would also mean lower sales of games, which would maybe force devs to start thinking about switching over to consoles or even porting existing titles to consoles etc.. I don't study economics or anything but if the amout...
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    Gamespot's top 10 - Are they serious?

    Is that the top ten that's always on gamespot's main page? Or is it like their top 10 best ever games? Could you provide a link? edit: nevermind I found it. Seriously though you must be pretty stupid if you expect Half Life to be up there somewhere. Considering that the top 10 you...
  12. Z

    A very depressing thought...

    I'm pretty much keeping myself busy playing some golden oldies from my gaming collection(namely Thief and Jagged Alliance 2). I figure if I put it to the back of my mind, I won't be worrying about never playing it. Just ignore guinny, he's a bit of a ****er
  13. Z

    Which game revolutionized First-Person-Shooting?

    Well I don't call that revolutionizing(is that even a word?). I call that refining(a concept somebody else thought of).
  14. Z

    Which game revolutionized First-Person-Shooting?

    "players not alone" -- what the hell does that mean? It's not like Halo was the first FPS to give the player allies within the game was it? I mean ffs HalfLife had it, OpFor had it, Rainbow Six had it, SWAT3 had it. The major new thing with Halo was the vehicles, even then I'm not sure it was...
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    Thief 3 Release Date

    AFAIK I don't think there will be a demo anytime soon. Yeah it was announced that the game had gone gold a few weeks ago. The current release date for the US is 26th of May and for Europe it's the one the digsy posted above. Personally though I'm going to import it. I can't wait to play...
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    Did monolith actually do contract JACK? I'm just wondering, because I never really followed the game. Didn't sound like my cup of tea even though I loved the NOLF series
  17. Z

    best gameplay ever! nintendo ds

    You got all that info about the two sets of games from a minute or two of footage of both games? Wow, I wish I had deductive skills like you.
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    GTA San Andreas

    Yeah I posted the exact same thing on a previous page in this very thread :D
  19. Z

    best gameplay ever! nintendo ds

    So you're saying there wasn't much to the metroid game and then go on to say you'd rather play Metal Gear Acid, of which they showed next to nothing in terms of gameplay? Doesn't make sense to me? Plus it's hardly like these games are the final versions, they'll no doubt be tweaked until they...
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    What about Adrian Shepard from OpFor?

    Why does Adrian Shepherd have to be in HL2? He could always turn up in HL3