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  1. Keeson


    I really would like to get a secret scoop of a more positive variety as far as HL2 goes. I would be great if I could read between the lines of what Valve says and find something happy :D :D :D If I find something cool that meets this decription I will post it for sure!!! :dork: E3 2004...
  2. Keeson


    I just wanted to add some extra info about the development process, so here is a quote from: Ken Birdwell from June 13th, 2003: So how far done is all of Half-Life 2? Ken - We've got all the game laid out. We've got about half of it in gameplay testing. Half-Life 2 is designed along...
  3. Keeson

    I think HL 2 is coming this summer?

    :dork: You will never guess which choice I voted for!!
  4. Keeson

    HL2 grand master status

    My spider senses are tingling... :cheese: And they are telling me that this "Grand Master Status" is just another false start... :dork: How many replies will this thread get before people realize its just another hoax!!!
  5. Keeson


    Sure they have plans... But how to you measure when you "have" or "don't have" multiplayer??? Does having a bunch of textures and weapon models stripped from the single player game = having multiplayer?? In Gabe's dreams he "plays multiplayer everyday", but in reality he is probably just...
  6. Keeson


    I've been of the impression that they don't actually have any multiplayer yet! As I recall, Yahn Bernier was put on the netcode for HL2 rather late (spent most of his time on TF2 netcode, and we all know what happened to that). Whether physics will be in HL2 multiplayer or not is hard to say...
  7. Keeson

    Valve holding off release for 64-bit technology?

    I don't think Valve is holding off for 64 bit technology. No, rather Valve's problem is that they have too many big ideas and they get carried away. They started out as a bunch of the best modellers/level designers/coders culled out of the Quake mod community - a team lovingly assembled...
  8. Keeson

    Hot Damn, I got invited to visit Valve!

    Every once in a while Valve will do something nice like this (invite a fan to the office, save a website like this one, etc.) Good job on the invite Spiffae! ... and it warms my heart, I mean that "father and son" pic of Gabe and Spitcodfry is really very touching... ;( But then that...
  9. Keeson

    I don't want to start a bad rumor but...

    That date is not so bad really! :dork: I've been predicting April 2005 for the release since October! What I really want to know is when is Gabe going to issue the "ban Keeson" order if I say the wrong thing. :laugh: I know too much and Valve is out to get me!!! :thumbs: I hope...
  10. Keeson

    CS:CZ MARCH - HL2 Summer?!

    Well I could have inserted TF2 in place of CS:CZ as that was developed in house 100%. But why bring up TF2 again, why beat a dead horse?? This thread has CS:CZ in the title so I stuck with that as an example of Valve's mismanagement. But in fact Valve did spend some time developing the CS:CZ...
  11. Keeson

    CS:CZ MARCH - HL2 Summer?!

    :dork: As far as HL2 coming out in the summer, well, it ain't gonna happen.... The whole CS:CZ development cycle and its numerous delays and screwups should tell you all you need to know about what will happen with HL2's development. We will all get to watch Valve fumble the HL2 football...
  12. Keeson

    Gordon Freeman is alive

    Well the Lombardi quote is not recent but from a couple of years ago, but Valve have definately been looking to bring Halflife to a wider mainstream audience ala Tombraider. Hollywood, CNN and sensationalistic hype - its all part of Valve's well orchestrated plan for taking HL2 to the...
  13. Keeson

    Gordon Freeman is alive

    Here is a little quote from weaselboy AKA Doug Lombardi: "Heads start to turn and ears start to turn up when they hear that 3 million people bought (the acclaimed 1998 PC game) Half-Life and are totally into it," says Doug Lombardi of Valve Software. "When people in the movie industry start...
  14. Keeson

    Easter Egg in the videos

    There was a thread discussing the easter eggs many months ago, I posted a screenshot of the toilet from the buggy video. Search my name and look at my very first post for that screenshot and screenshots of the other toilets. I don't believe there is a screenshot for the strider video, but...
  15. Keeson

    Any Veterans here?

    I am really sorry about the length of the preceding message. Really really sorry
  16. Keeson

    Any Veterans here?

    Well, I'm very old skool as I followed the development of HL1 very closely before anybody knew who these Valve guys were. Way, way, way back in 1997 (sumnmer or fall I can't remember precisely) I was flipping thru a PCGAMER mag when I came across a little article along the lines of "25 games...
  17. Keeson

    Half-Life 2 and E3 2004

    Hmmm the seeds of doubt seem to be planted here all of a sudden.... :dork: Slowly but surely, people will begin to realize and accept that HL2 isn't coming out till my oft predicted April 2005. There is a secret Valve software doesn't want anyone to know and that is that the real HL2 (not...
  18. Keeson

    Half-Life2 Delayed Again???

    This news doesn't surprise me. With the recent announcement of Valve partnering with Limelight Networks to upgrade Steam, it seems to me that they are readying to officially launch CS:CZ. In my mind CS:CZ is the true test of Steam's worthiness to deliver HL2. They (Valve) will learn...
  19. Keeson

    Fact's about why HL2 won't be out on april..

    This is a silly reply. This is the Rumors and Speculations area of the forums. What Blair posts is quite appropriate for this area. :dork:
  20. Keeson

    Fact's about why HL2 won't be out on april..

    Blair, you make some interesting points, here are my comments: Well I agree with you here, there is no real good evidence to support the SDK release or the the games release soon. Valve isn't really very reliable, their poor track record speaks for itself, I won't go over it since it would...