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  1. D

    Ghosting takes a whole new meaning

    i didnt have the shadow bug but i did have this weird thing where someone was invisible and was walking around with their knife out and fast switching between their knife and pistol. it was pretty annoying when trying to snipe in italy. he/she would float their knife in the way of my sniping and...
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    finnaly got it

    thats awesome. heres to you liking it as much as i do! :thumbs: :cheers:
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    Lots of fps on mediocre rig

    correct me if im wrong but if you play in 640x480 resolution isnt that putting most of the graphics processing on the CPU and not the videocard?? cux thats what happens when you play at that resolution in CS1.6. try playing at 800x600 cuz it could be a bug with CS:Source right now that might get...
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    owned :cheers:
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    Will HL2 support EAX?

    i dont know why you cant tell where the footsteps are located. right when i hear footsteps or gun fire i can tell right where its coming from. i play with surround sound when nobody is home and headphones at night. thats the thing ive loved about CS. i can tell exactly where someone is at just...
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    Show your CS: S FPS!

    P4 3.2Ghz...1024mb PC4000...6800GT @ 401\1100 most maps its around 80-90 chateau its around 50-60 1024x768 everything on absolute high detail 2xAA 8xAF not too shabby EDIT: goes to show that the Athlon 64's perform better for games...evidence there :D
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    Help! Almost impossible to join servers

    first...are you using a router to share your internet connection? if you are then youll need to open the correct ports in order to join server. if your router gives you the option to enable the DMZ then do this by putting your computer's IP address in the DMZ and selecting to enable the option...
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    i was getting the same problem with my computer restarting even while playing CS. i made a log of all of the temps of my hardware and finally boiled it down to a soon to be bad PSU. i went out and bought an antec truepower 430watt PSU and ive nevere had that problem again. what brand PSU do you...
  9. D

    Continual Crashing/Lockups

    try disabling your onboard sound and see if thats the problem. disbale it through the BIOS and if thats what is causing it then make sure that your drivers are up to date. i go through quite a few forums and a lot of people are having problems with the 4.9 cat's for ATI cards. i used to have a...
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    Post your hate for assault here.

    somt people dont like assault because 1. too many campers 2. sit in spawn and nade spam doors and vents 3. you actualy have to use strategy to win! what a concept eh?
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    Last Hope for a solution.

    turn fastwrites off.
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    Show VU How Much Money They`d Make On HL2 Right Now

    what part of arizona do you live in? im in east Mesa.
  13. D

    How would Source perform on a

    i have a 6800GT OC'ed to ultra speeds and pretty much the same computer ill list it below. P42.6Ghz @ 3.2Ghz w/1Ghz FSB 1024MB XMS corsair pc4000 pro P4C800-E Deluxe mobo 6800GT @ 401/1100 2x 120gb in raid 0 playing on a samsung 173P LCD monitor. i dont have CS:S yet but im getting it...
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    Best Nvidia drivers?

    61.77's here. ive never had any problems with this set.
  15. D

    Steam Purchase

    what the hell were you trying to say? can someone get spell checker for this guy?
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    Be sure to take screenshots

    yes yes plz do. for the love of the people that want to wait for the retail package or dont have the money for it right now.
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    Problems with posting threads

    yup i tried the whole firewall thing it didnt work at all. so ill disable the firewall when im mgoing to post.
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    Problems with posting threads

    tes post. hope this works
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    p2p program

    look up WinMX and get that. great program for downloading videos, music, pics, movies. kinda sucks for software though. speeds are pretty good too
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    My Mouse is Possessed!

    i have the mx700 and it is wireless. some people dont like the idea of wireless for gaming and i didnt either at first til i tried it out at my friend's house. and i wont go back to those annoying wires. but if you want a wired mouse then id go for the logitech mx510(they have some cool colors...