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  1. 7hoR


    *Bump* Reason I say this is because I downloaded the example map from the website and ran it in css and it did not show anything on the television screen. Also, I dont see the entity listed named 'point_camera'. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. 7hoR


    Does this feature work for Counter-Strike Source or just Half-Life 2?
  3. 7hoR


    Really fast reply...thanks very much JFry <3
  4. 7hoR


    Sorry if this has been posted, but how can I make a camera and have whatever the camera is pointed at show up on a monitor somewhere else in the map? Thanks in advance.
  5. 7hoR


    sup...i used to be a regular on these forums until after hl2 came out...anyways im looking to make a map, and i was wondering what sites u guys recommend for good tutorials. thx 7hoR
  6. 7hoR

    even better proof!!!

    ohhhhhh myyyyyy g0ttttt cool.
  7. 7hoR

    I found the real Alyx!

    Anyway we can get some pics of the actual guy that they modeled Eli after?
  8. 7hoR

    omg0t catalyst 4.11

    I just updated to the Catalyst 4.11's and I am getting a 30+ FPS increase (using the stress test) :D :cheers:
  9. 7hoR

    Disable Render Load

    Thanks, that works too. Still wondering on the video and model clip command
  10. 7hoR

    Disable Render Load

    Thanks! Anyway you can disable the video intro also? (Still wondering what the command for the models not to clip through other models is ;))
  11. 7hoR

    Disable Render Load

    How do I disable the rendered loading screen? Also, whats the command to disable clipping through models?
  12. 7hoR

    Reset Settings

    Bump - Anyone?
  13. 7hoR

    Why can't you start mapping for HL2 officially?

    Did you just make it using Hammer?
  14. 7hoR

    Reset Settings

    I accidently removed a few tool windows, and I want to reset to default config. How do I?
  15. 7hoR

    Why can't you start mapping for HL2 officially?

    Then how did they make those Half-Life 2 test maps for multiplayer testing?
  16. 7hoR

    Models for Multiplayer!

    So does anyone have a Half-Life 2 server up?
  17. 7hoR

    Models for Multiplayer!

    I played the beta, and the models were the same (gray crappy ones). So I decided to do the same thing you did, and I sucessfully got the models changed also. Never could get the animations to work though.
  18. 7hoR

    what did barney say?

    What chapter is this from again so I can load it up again? :P
  19. 7hoR

    Letter Icons? (Non Spoiler)

    Deleting the font out of my Control Panel > Fonts folder worked. Thanks Shamrock
  20. 7hoR

    Letter Icons? (Non Spoiler)

    Can anyone host the HL2 Font and link me? I didn't 'cheat', I have already beat the game with absolutly no cheats and I just went into the game on that chapter and used impulse 101 so you could see the crosshair and the weapon list at the top.