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  1. D

    Buckle down...look at the facts.

    I Apologize because i respect the man and i respect his work, i only said this to emphasize how dumb the mistakes he does are, there should never be this many accidents or slip-ups in a major company like this, doom3 came out without a hitch, it just seems when Valve does something under...
  2. D

    Buckle down...look at the facts.

    I really doubt Gabe does any work anymore, at this point in time he is at home eating, while the rest of the crew is fixing up all the rest of the bugs, Gabe doesnt get rich by writing code, he is the brain behind the works, If you want to be rich in the computer field, you wont be the one...
  3. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

    Fine i just want everyone to read what i posted you didnt understand, Valve gave us all that media so that we actually have proof the game exists, unlike DukeNukemForever which u could honostly say doesnt exist because all of the media we knew is scrapped and is now being worked out, but as of...
  4. D

    Buckle down...look at the facts.

    its also funny you had to go back and edit that crap you wrote, i mean 60 PERCENT OF AMERICA IS OVERWEIGHT, That is just plain SAD, im so happy i was born in another country and that im not an American, because i disagree, I Wouldnt be proud to be an American, They are not perfect you know, If...
  5. D

    Buckle down...look at the facts.

    wow, and you act like that disease is what is affecting 60 percent of America, are u crazy, Are u taking crazy pillS? its sad that right now obesity is becoming the number 1 risk of death in america, its sad that people wont realize Mcdonalds isnt healthy and that goign to the gym should be part...
  6. D

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    Why do you guys put urselves down, has anyone told you that ur stupid, and even if you guys are, then u shouldnt be on a forum about a video game, you should be in a book where you can be anything you want, If you read your mind will listen and respond to it by gaining information, its been...
  7. D

    Buckle down...look at the facts.

    dude, its true if he did put down the fork it wouldnt have led to him being overweight, its just the simple facts of life, what ever u put in your mouth lets say its a piece of chicken or a cow then ur gonna have consequences such as gaining weight, so in actuality, ur the hyprocrite,your the...
  8. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

    True, it could be a IRifle or it could be a machine gun with primary fire that shoots dogs out of it, and when they bark they shoot bees out of its mouth yes, its all plausable, but is it physically possible... Now thats the 1 million dollar question.
  9. D

    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    Danimal its funny because if you analyse what i wrote it makes complete sense in the situation he was in, He was teased in school, People didnt say high to him in the Halls, and now when he has something going for him and he is about to lose it, he is gonna go and cry about it, i mean cmon. IM...
  10. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

    Yeah freeman, u tell em whose boss and that together we can rule this thread.
  11. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

    you didnt understand, Valve gave us all that media so that we actually have proof the game exists, unlike DukeNukemForever which u could honostly say doesnt exist because all of the media we knew is scrapped and is now being worked out, but as of right now there is no proof that DNF is working...
  12. D

    Buckle down...look at the facts.

    sHm0zY, you tell em man, I dont think those punks have the right to make fun of somone just by their looks, i bet if they were fat they wouldnt be successful and creating a game millions of people want to play, hell they should just go and take back every little mean thing they ever said to...
  13. D

    Whatever happened to splintering wood?

    Umm, 2+2 is 4, i sure hope im right about this...BUt u can prove me wrong anytime..Ill be waiting until 2am.
  14. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

    This proves my point in the spoiler fiasco, Valve just wanted to prove they were making a game that actually worked, AI in tact, Graphix look good, Sound is amazing, THey didnt want you to go and spoil what every little detail is, those are ment to be experienced First hand WHEN U PLAY THE...
  15. D

    Whatever happened to splintering wood?

    SPlinter is not the same as Tearing, but thank you for admiting i was right. maybe we should discuss a different topic in which you prove me wrong?
  16. D

    Need an HL2 weapons expert :)

    I am kinda funny, but im just trying to prove my point. My point is im a newb :)
  17. D

    Why is HL2 "a marvel in the making?"

    City 17 makes sense, it goes along with the whole depressing atmosphere, if the city was called, City of Angels or Sex in the City then that wouldnt fit in at all now would it.
  18. D

    Whatever happened to splintering wood?

    Very clever Sedako, see you actually bring a valid point which makes me say, Im wrong and the wood should splinter because the desert is infact dry due to lack of rain.
  19. D

    Whatever happened to splintering wood?

    No wood when its wet, tears. If its Moist inside the wood its not gonna splinter think about it, guys it seems your inside too much on the computer to actually know how mother nature works, Please im thinking about making a game on how Life goes on outside of a computer.
  20. D

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    Shomzy dont say your stupid, your prob the coolest guy here, u actually touched gabes hand, I would never have washed it i was you, i mean cmon your like a celebrity and you should get all the credit u deserve, *Here is 100 credit points for being so damn cool*