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  1. Spam

    Programmers advice needed, spam=noob

    rofl, self fixed. Had a version conflict or something in the client thingy. It never actually made a client.dll
  2. Spam

    Programmers advice needed, spam=noob

    i changed my mod to third person and when i went to compile it in vs2003 it compiled with no errors. When i try and run the mod i get this.. Engine error- Client.dll Init() in library client failed. Before you try and help please note i am a complete NOOB at c++ i only know php,html and...
  3. Spam

    I'm Back!

    Most of you probably dont know me but i used to post quite alot here... I got distracted with gaming,(css) and webdesign so i went away from mapping... I have recently broken my pc so i am on this pile of sh!t that only lets me map so im back for about a week! ---------------------...
  4. Spam

    Failed to initialize

    i also had the same problem before, i want into the options/tools dialouge and reconfigured the settings
  5. Spam

    zombie spawning troubles

    please could you tell us what the web address is so i can have a look at the video tut.
  6. Spam

    Is it just me?

  7. Spam

    Enemy Response...? Any Answer?

    i think you were probably using ragdoll maybe?
  8. Spam

    Is it just me?

    ok... ** Executing... ** Command: "c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\USERNAME\sourcesdk\bin\vbsp.exe" ** Parameters: -game "c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\USERNAME\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp" "C:\Program...
  9. Spam

    Black Props In Hammer!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    no, i can live without the props being black i suppose, they appear fine in game. I have noticed that they are not entirly black, they have a blue shine to them.
  10. Spam

    Enemy Response...? Any Answer?

    what entity do you use?
  11. Spam

    Is it just me?

    Why me? I keep having problems no matter what i do.;(;(;( This time is not in hammer, the house i am making works fine in hammer but when i compile the map and run it on dm, it loads up fine and i spawn in the correct place, but when i move just a fraction it crashes and closes the program...
  12. Spam

    Black Props In Hammer!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    Is this signature better for you Geronimous ?
  13. Spam

    Black Props In Hammer!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    Radeon IGP 345M and yes i have it on 32bit colour
  14. Spam

    A little problem you will be able to fix easily, but, i can't :-(

    OMFG Kyo i owe a great deel to you. I will e-mail you now
  15. Spam

    A little problem you will be able to fix easily, but, i can't :-(

    yer i saw that , i had used dr kleiners door texture,i replaced all of them but nothing happened. Also why has the brick texture gone coloured? that is a normal texture. it must be just me, did the colours come up for you raven0? I know this is asking a bit,but,would it be possible for someone...
  16. Spam

    Black Props In Hammer!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    my card supports DX 9
  17. Spam


    GordanFreeMAN, do we have an update? Can't wait to see the changes you have made. :farmer:
  18. Spam

    A little problem you will be able to fix easily, but, i can't :-(

    the trouble is that i am using a DX9 capable card, tried the mat_fullbright, none of my brushes overlap they just look like that because of the colours AND finally i tried restarting steam but no luck. PLease can someone tell me if this happens for them, you can download all the files below...
  19. Spam

    A little problem you will be able to fix easily, but, i can't :-(

    I am having this really wierd problem with a house i am making in hammer. well you can clearly see what is wrong... In hammer it looks fine but when i am in the game it has a fit and shows this but only in one room!?!? If you want to have a look at the map yourself here are the files...
  20. Spam

    Black Props In Hammer!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    hiya guys, just wondering...on my mates laptop his props in hammer are full textured and everything. But on my laptop all my props are black!?!?!?(only in 3d view not browser) :flame: Does ANYONE know why this is happening? It is really fustrating Just if you need to know i have a...