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  1. Jenga

    7 Hours?!

    This has been discussed in other forums, and the general opinion is yeah, the Combine could've done it. They had surprise, which is a helluva weapon, especially in the hands of an alien race. By the way, remember all the synths you saw walking around in the citadel? The ones you didn't see...
  2. Jenga

    I found out what happened to Lamarr

    there, there... there are lots of other Lamarrs in the world... like the one behind the crate. See that one? Look he's waving! He's jum--AAAAAAAAGGGHHHH OH GOOOOOOOOOD!!!
  3. Jenga

    Barnacles....WHAT THE F***!?!!!!!!!!

    lol time to give some marines the "kiss of death"
  4. Jenga

    Is there something between Alyx and Gordon?

    probably why Alyx hates Mossman so much. She doesn't want Mossman for a mom...
  5. Jenga

    I found out what happened to Lamarr

    Like Zaphnoid Beeblebrox? lol
  6. Jenga

    Barnacles....WHAT THE F***!?!!!!!!!!

    Oh.... mustve missed that part.... Cool, gotta get me a copy of that game. Do they have similar insights into the Predator race?
  7. Jenga

    Is there something between Alyx and Gordon?

    maybe there was some hero-worshipping on Alyx's part too "oh man... the REAL Gordon Freeman...." You know, like Mossman (only SHE had the hots for Eli)
  8. Jenga

    Barnacles....WHAT THE F***!?!!!!!!!!

    it'll only latch on to something if it tastes good. I don't think steel and dirt have a pleasant flavor.
  9. Jenga

    "Yeah,Barney about that CAT?"

    Barney: "Uh... doc? You just telefragged the cat." :x
  10. Jenga

    I found out what happened to Lamarr

    *cough* jerk
  11. Jenga

    Maybe everything was planned?!

    Cheers for yours as well. :thumbs: Those new bits of info are interesting... I'll post here again when I've done more research.
  12. Jenga

    Maybe everything was planned?!

    A good argument, but to the Xen and Combine, we are also aliens. Our planet is different, our bodies work differently, and so do our wildlife. Vortigaunts have natural combat abilities, and don't require factory augmentation like humans (who are primarily tool users, thus reliant on technology)...
  13. Jenga

    Barnacles....WHAT THE F***!?!!!!!!!!

    Yeah? Cool! Where'd you get your info? A serial novel or something? What's the title? :bounce: Gotta get me one... :sniper: MARINES!!! WE ARE LEAVING!!!
  14. Jenga

    "Yeah,Barney about that CAT?"

    Of course it doesn't call for a theory. We're just having fun speculating what happened to the cat. The conversation was generalized, leaving only enough details for the PLAYER (and Alyx) to imagine what horrible fate befell the cat (beautiful scriptwriting by the way). Which is what we're...
  15. Jenga

    Breen´s Speeches?!

    His speech is pure public relations, or what government officials call "playing to the masses". He's trying to calm them down and make them think "hey, he's on our side, let's forget all the problems that give lie to his statements and be happy living in horrid conditions". But some people...
  16. Jenga

    Breen´s Speeches?!

    coooool... :thumbs:
  17. Jenga

    I found out what happened to Lamarr

    lol. i think Lamarr is female though.
  18. Jenga

    Maybe everything was planned?!

    Lavaisse: What made you think the Combine had nothing to do with Xen? (I'm not belittling your theory, just asking for your reasons) I think there was enough evidence that the Vortigaunts were enslaved, and were still being enslaved by the Combine at City 17. (Remember the broom-pushing Vort in...
  19. Jenga

    "Yeah,Barney about that CAT?"

    I wonder if someone can put up a mod with an exploding cat in the teleporter.... lol
  20. Jenga

    What Happend

    I think bvasgm had it right, it was just