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  1. Jenga

    Were the Earth forces too weak?

    Which one is that? the Falklands?
  2. Jenga

    Gabe Quote: Two Resistance groups at work...

    They'd do all that in the first place. Breen has an iron grip, and though his goals might *seem* moral (you only see him as an enemy and all his speeches are colored by that) he still rules like a dictator. And let's not forget that Breen was the administrator of Black Mesa, and was probably...
  3. Jenga

    The identity of Odessa

    maybe he liked the jacket
  4. Jenga

    It's all a flashback?

    Marco's time travel theory is pretty interesting, but it's not very likely. G-man's familiarity with Gordon (i assume it's Gordon he's talking about) could be a product of research. The G-Man seems like a thorough, professional and farsighted sort of person, and he most probably followed Gordon...
  5. Jenga

    On the Crossbow...

    the crossbow has to be a compound crossbow coz the iron rebar is a lot heavier than your normal crossbow bolt
  6. Jenga

    Were the Earth forces too weak?

    Yeah, but the Combine was able to beat the people into submission so that they had practically no will to fight until Freeman came (yes, there was the Resistance, but their activities were restricted to helping people escape City 17, not fighting the Combine head on). I think that's what the US...
  7. Jenga

    Gordon Freeman is the G-Man

    i.... don't follow you
  8. Jenga

    The identity of Odessa

    yeah, i think the G-Man has been "recruiting" employees over the ages and placing them in statis, only letting them out when they become useful.
  9. Jenga

    Were the Earth forces too weak?

    yeah please, i don't seem to remember that one
  10. Jenga

    Combine thumpers in Half Life 1?

    hmm.... in Xen? detection equipment maybe?
  11. Jenga

    Gordon Freeman is the G-Man

    id say Kleiner also looks like an older, balder version of Gordon. Does that make him Gordon from the future come back to help? (just a little sarcasm, folks). Just coz they look a little like each other doesn't mean they're the same person. Doesn't even mean they're blood-related. All of...
  12. Jenga

    How do headcrabs replicate?

    :E good analogy
  13. Jenga

    My theories on HL:Opposing Force 2, or at least what I'd like to see *spoiler

    Shepard was made by Gearbox, and Valve didnt acknowledge the story arc in OpFor as genuine, so it's not likely Shepard will make an appearance... we can hope though
  14. Jenga

    the Xen Aliens

    "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? ;)
  15. Jenga

    Subject: Shephard

    pretty good. :) keep it up!
  16. Jenga

    The train you arrive on.

    maybe they're chargers meant for the elite troops and not the Civil Protection guys?
  17. Jenga

    Were the Earth forces too weak?

    Nukes probably could, but the human generals probably didnt want humans harmed in the explosion. Or maybe they didnt have enough time...
  18. Jenga

    Were the Earth forces too weak?

    I don't think City 17's Citadel is the only one with a portal, it wouldn't make much sense. In an RTS, do you build only one War Factory? Nope, coz if it's destroyed you have no more sources of troops (and more than one factory means faster troop production). The other Cities probably still...
  19. Jenga

    Changes That Should Occur

    hey the ragdoll things are funny when you blow 'em up. The pulse orbs could be toned down and become able to blow up earlier (like in Unreal, shooting the shock rifle orb would detonate it).
  20. Jenga

    Short Guide to Grenade Cooking

    interesting.... has this tactic been around long?