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  1. Jenga

    Pulse Rifle secondary fire...

    it'd be cool if you could do it with the SMG grenade too
  2. Jenga

    Easter Eggs

    Remember the Overwatch cop in Point Insertion that tells you to pick up the can? Anybody tried tossing the can at HIM? (just press fire in his direction). He chases you down and beats you. LOL
  3. Jenga

    The train you arrive on.

    Good thing they changed it. The current beginning does a good job of easing the player into the universe through Freeman's shoes.
  4. Jenga


    Yeah, Valve will probably push for a two-year development length. They already have the engine done
  5. Jenga


    oh right, Kleiner. My bad ;(
  6. Jenga


    Has anybody noticed the miniature teleporter device in Eli's lab? It's on the side with the miniature cameras on a table next to the entrance. You can't miss it, it's got a cactus on it. When you use it, it spins up and teleports the cactus onto the receiver. Cool. :thumbs:
  7. Jenga

    The Only Game There Is

    Merry Christmas to all and to all good frags! :farmer:
  8. Jenga

    About the barnacles

    or maybe its a creature similar to real barnacles... as kids they just float around (this time in the air), attach themselves to ceilings and grow
  9. Jenga

    Best HL enemy of all time?

    striders rock
  10. Jenga

    The Only Game There Is

    "Quiet, it's coming," Nell hissed at him. Carefully, she popped her head over the window sill, casting a quick glance at the approaching Strider. Along the room's walls, Jeremy saw the Resistance soldiers of his platoon raise and duck their heads over the windowsills of the abandoned office...
  11. Jenga

    The Only Game There Is

    nope its not. Thanks for the feedback ;) i kinda screwed up the title. It was the first thing that came to my mind. It should've been either Half-life: Survival or The Urban Jungle. :(
  12. Jenga

    The Only Game There Is

    Jeremy had lost track of how long they marched beneath the City, their feet kicking up water and scattering the alien insects and pests residing in the sewers, the Earth's sewers. With sadistic pleasure he stomped on a three-legged bug that looked like a cross between a roach and a worm, its...
  13. Jenga

    The Only Game There Is

    Picking himself up, Jeremy brushed at his Resistance-issue uniform in a vain attempt to straighten it out. He glanced over at the man who had just saved his life, sporting a headcrab for a hat and Jeremy's rifle for a weapon. "Can I have my weapon back?" Jeremy demanded, glaring daggers...
  14. Jenga

    The Only Game There Is

    The Only Game There Is By JENGA Jeremy woke to the smell of ashes. The muted daylight through his closed eyelids put him in a gray, dreary world where ash seemed to be the only thing in abundance. It clogged his nostrils and clouded his eyes, filled his mouth and coated his skin. Unable...
  15. Jenga

    Nothing if not critical

    i agree. The setting could be anywhere at any time, even in the 1900s. They had safes then, too.
  16. Jenga

    HEV Suit unnecessary?

    If I remember right, Barney was the one who asked Kleiner to bring out the suit. Barney was probably thinking in terms of combat, seeing Gordon in action and all, while Kleiner just thought, "since Gordon is here, we might as well suit him up so he doesn't have to make another trip back here...
  17. Jenga

    Crowbar problem

    Actually i think those guys have pistols, and prefer to use batons coz they like to see the citizens squirm (or they're under orders not to waste slave labor). I think they return all weapons when not on duty. If i were the Combine, i'd do that to keep the resistance from swiping my weapons.
  18. Jenga

    What was your favorite part in the game? (spoilers)

    yeah, that part took me a few tries til i realized i could barricade myself in a room using boxes and barrels.
  19. Jenga

    HEV Suit

    the Gman took Gordon's suit and gave it to Kleiner for modifications
  20. Jenga

    What happens to the HEV?

    why not? all barney seems to do is just shove him into a lab and leave him there.and check on him from time to time.