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  1. Jenga

    Civil Protection Volounteers

    yeah, its food. i saw the same machine in a combine precinct barracks. Why would you issue uniforms to a precinct that already had them?
  2. Jenga

    What was your favorite part in the game? (spoilers)

    There was this one part at Follow Freeman in the Nexus. Barney tells you to take out those floor turrets by saying "You go take 'em out! You're the one in the HEV suit!" LOL
  3. Jenga

    What happens to the HEV?

    Other scientists had HEV suits too. Remember the corpses in the Xen dimension? Besides, Gordon seemed pretty well-known even before he got his suit back. It's the same suit Gordon used to wear. how would kleiner be able to make improvements to the internals of the suit without taking off the...
  4. Jenga

    What was your favorite part in the game? (spoilers)

    He didn't set himself on fire. He set the whole area including the zombies on fire and retreated into the crypt, still blasting away. Psychotic priest... pretty darn cool.
  5. Jenga

    I had this gun??

    and the weird loading bolt that needs you to move your whole hand
  6. Jenga

    What's inside the G-Man's briefcase?

    the briefcase is a portable gateway to the other dimension. You know, where he keeps all his toys (Freeman, Shepard, Odessa)
  7. Jenga

    The Odessa and Gman conspiracy

    could be. or they could be talking to the G-Man in person
  8. Jenga

    What was your favorite part in the game? (spoilers)

    lol yeah. tossing rollermines at combine soldiers is real fun too. then toss 'em into the water when you're done with them
  9. Jenga

    Rev v. Grav

    who knows? You might even be able to do a Magneto and toss bullets back at the other guy! WoohoO!!
  10. Jenga

    The Odessa and Gman conspiracy

    i wasnt even paying attention to him the first time. I was watching all the other soldiers
  11. Jenga

    What's the deal with Father Grigory?

    maybe if you blasphemed the church he'd go after you
  12. Jenga

    What was your favorite part in the game? (spoilers)

    the falling smokestack in Route Kanal (i think). That was so cool i crashed into it coz i was too busy watching. LOL
  13. Jenga

    I am stuck at the very begining

    yeah sorry bout that. I guess after playing games like HL so long you take being familiar with the controls for granted.
  14. Jenga

    The Odessa and Gman conspiracy

    actually i think ALL the vortigaunts know about G-Man. They share knowledge, so the moment the G-Man introduced himself to one Vortigaunt all the others get to know him too.
  15. Jenga

    What happens to the HEV?

    I agree with this one. He was supposed to enter the city incognito... and at the end of HL when G-Man says "I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons... as for the suit... I think you've earned it" doesn't mean he's wearing it for fifteen years in stasis. The G-Man most likely meant...
  16. Jenga

    The Odessa and Gman conspiracy

    I have a theory on this. *It could be that Odessa used to be in Freeman's position but got too old for the job (or tired of it), (hence the old photos and the military battles he's too young for) *The G-Man, after replacing him with Freeman, made him a more behind-the-scenes type of guy...
  17. Jenga

    Dont forget shepherd

    maybe he grabbed some nerves and started pulling on 'em
  18. Jenga

    Shotgun not good enough?

    even just giving 2 more shells in the magazine would be a big improvement
  19. Jenga

    Rev v. Grav

    actually it wouldve been cool if you could catch the SMG grenades with the Gravity Gun too
  20. Jenga

    Rev v. Grav

    the SMG/grenade launcher combo used to rock back in HL, where everyone had to be proficient in that to stand a chance, but the HL2 SMG/GL combo is considerably weaker now... saddening.... As a replacement, I'd have to say the grav gun. versatile.