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  1. C

    The REAL life Alyx. Picture included...

    id **** the shit out of her
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    Gravity Gun Challenge: Highest Tower!

    lol i dont have the game so i was wondering if you could build a seesaw out of a barrel and lure a combine on it so when he comes on it jump on the seesaw and send him flying?
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    Gravity Gun Challenge: Highest Tower!

    tell me you crashed through that with that buggy
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    how long to download

    my computers at home right going home for thanksgiving
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    how long to download

    another thing since i havent played it........has anyone tried building a seesaw with a barrel and wood..then lure a combine soldier on top of it the jump on it and try to launch him?
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    how long to download

    i have yet to play this college....i have purchased it on steam and havent preloaded any of long is it gonna take to download off steam?
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    patrick moore is behind everything!

    hahahah thats my cousins name im gonna have to show him that.
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    look what i found

    could someone email gabe about this
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    look what i found

    damn buddy chill out i just found somethin it could or couldnt be true so dont get to excited if its not true lol. take it easy step back from ur computer....take a deep a little pocket pool....then get something to eat.:cheers: oh and grab a beer
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    look what i found

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    look what i found

    thanks buddy to ****in lazy to write it thought somebody would do it:cheers:
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    look what i found
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    At last - Sept 30th Confirmed by VALVe at ECTS

    i dont know much about stratagey guids but i thought they where realeased after or with the game. Anywaz eb says its comin out sep. 24 so wouldnt that hint something?:cheers:
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    called the eb

    well tell me this if you sold vidoe games for a living do you think you would know a little more then everyone else now i know i dont belive him 100 percent but mabey he knows something i dont. Just think about it you dont have to get all pissed about one more thread.:bounce:
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    called the eb

    thankyou i realize that there are other post out there that talk about delays period it might be technical is my point. Now i dont see why people get upset about one more thread.. or should i make a thread like everybody else posting about how g mans teeth look stupid... and other stuff like...
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    called the eb

    lol why do you guys get so made over this i just tryed to be helpful but some nerds have to get upset for some reason. what ever.:afro:
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    called the eb

    listen im not sayin its true im just wanted to share it. and yes i would belive him if he said he was the devil.:flame:
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    called the eb

    i know this has been talked about a thousand times but i thought id share this with you. I called ebx just to see what they would say when it was comin out..and.. the guy said that it was do for sept 30 a few weeks ago now its do for november. there are having some real technical problems and...
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    bodies disappear.

    This might have been mentioned but what ever. In the new video i noticed towards the end of the video when the flank the combine, right when they enter a guy dies(right under the guy on the balcony that they shoot later on). Keep an eye on him and youll see him slowly disappear. This kinda...
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    Half-Life 2 Delay Discussion Thread

    i can bet you money that this isnt true but im not. first off doom was just delayed to jan. do to competion from hl2. from tech tv:cheers: trust me i know gamepro is a big site and im hoping there wrong but im pretty sure that its not delayed.