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  1. O

    Where are you from?

    Hey, it still is part of the EU, though I wonder how you made in into it in the first place when reading all your comments ... They somehow seem to believe they could just take their island and swim over to the USA or wherever they want to, if necessary ...
  2. O

    Where are you from?

    Hey, Germany still has a bigger GDP than you and it pays most of all EU-members for the EU! Yep, you own the capital of Europe (Europe = EU, as America = USA! muhaha :E ), I accept that.
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    Where are you from?

    And which passport(s) do you both have?
  4. O

    Where are you from?,,1113614_1,00.jpg At least here the signs say "EU nationals" - as if the EU would already be one united nation - oh how wonderful! It feels like a dream - but maybe it'll come true? :) Why don't you like the...
  5. O

    Where are you from?

    Maybe. But don't forget to vote, or don't you identify with our European Union? ;)
  6. O

    UK - Al Qaeda's number 1 target.

    Yes, EU is much better! :)
  7. O

    Where are you from?

    Yes, hell, I want them to join the EU!! :angry: As long as they don't, they have to vote "other" just like when they fly inside Europe and have to choose the queue at the passport controll "Non-EU". :E
  8. O

    Where are you from?

    In which country or region are you living? Please post more detailed information here, if you want to! :) In the poll I mentioned countries, of which probably a lot of people are here and I put others of which I suppose less citizens to be here in one option. I hope that's ok for you all! ;)...
  9. O

    "oil" of the future

    Then Mexico can have what's left of the USA, right? :E But actually I think the USA and Canada both don't really have to worry about future water problems, the Great Lakes are still quite clean fresh water, aren't they? And here in the EU ... I hope we've got enough rivers and lakes...
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    UK - Al Qaeda's number 1 target.

    Maybe the EU might be the better partner for the UK, than the USA? :thumbs:
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    North Korea says: WE SWEAR TO TEST OUR NUKES!

    Do you think you'll reach a reunification with that attitude? ... well, probably your country doesn't really want to reunify with the north, considering the economical coundition of the north. ;)
  12. O

    Bush declares space territory of US

    Well, I think if a country is the only remaining superpower in the world it can actually block any other country from anything, if it really wants to. Of course with adequate effort ...
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    Will there be a war between Georgia and Russia?

    And why do you think so? As the conflict is very recent, don't you think it's more likely to be sooner that later? ;)
  14. O

    Will there be a war between Georgia and Russia?

    What do you think, how dangerous for the peace in the world is this recent conflict between Georgia and Russia? Will the United States intervene, if there's going to be a armed conflict? And would the European Union stay neutral?
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    Lets see how f*cked up we all are

    I tried it now and here's the result:
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    Your favourite news channel on TV (to Americans)

    Which is your favourite news channel in the USA?
  17. O

    flash hl2

    That's really boring.
  18. O

    America to Pakistan: "We'll bomb you back to the Stone Age."

    Uh, that sounds like conspiracy theories (mixed up with truths)? But maybe it's true, do you have any sources for that?
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    America to Pakistan: "We'll bomb you back to the Stone Age."

    Which countries in South America were threatened? And are they still?
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    Chavez addresses UN General Assembly

    I actually like the attempt of some countries like Venezuela and Bolivia in South America to stay independent from the United States of America, but calling Bush a :devil: is a bit exaggerated, isn't it? ;) And I think it's not really fitting in a speech in front of the UN General Assembly...