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  1. Penfold

    HL2.Net Ads are startin to scare me..

    I think that before everybody who uses the 'blue e' starts complaining, first realise that that have been at least 2 other threads on this in the last month and a half. People simply need to read the rest of this thread and be done with it, ok? Let me explain the situation.
  2. Penfold

    My First Sigs ever made

    Not bad, but one mistake peolple always make is that their sigs are way too tall, and not long enough. If they are too tall, they take up too much valuable screen space when viewing a forum thread. For instance, it wouldn't take many (ie 3) posts with your sigs attached to fill up the screen...
  3. Penfold

    Alien Runner

    I see you must've got very bored in a chemistry class and drawn it on the back of a periodic table :laugh:. Looks very nice tho. I agree with what others have said about the shape, especially the tail, but your shading is excellent :).
  4. Penfold

    Combine Soldier. Done in Corel Painter XI

    Looking very good, and on your first go as well! I've heard that Corel Painter is a neat program, and most of the artwork I've seen that has been made using it has been pretty good. Well done DuBbL3 U Too :thumbs:
  5. Penfold

    Portal Artwork

    Hi all I have already fallen in love with the recently announced Portal so much that I decided to replicate the logo myself (in Illustrator as vector). I have also made a Portal Desktop using a screengrab from the video. This is at 1280x1024, so lots of you will probably moan that I use a...
  6. Penfold

    APCs have rollermines in them

    Maybe it's so that when an APC falls into water, it blows up? :O
  7. Penfold

    Damn Popups!!!

    Quick! Start breeding all you Internet Explorer users before the spyware infects you all, and the mods set-up an anti IE field around :cheese:
  8. Penfold

    The Epic Improvement Thread!

    Lol Beerdude, I didn't mean it quite like that. I know exactly what you mean, and I would definitely not want that. I like it the way the news works at the moment, was just thinking of the community and things like the banner competition that would be rewarding for the members. These could be...
  9. Penfold

    The Epic Improvement Thread!

    There isn't much I would change about the site. I really like the way that vBulletin works, it's the nicest forum I use. Someone mentioned the idea of having a calendar, which I think is important for a site with a community this big. Go to to see how our calendar works (I'm...
  10. Penfold

    Damn Popups!!!

    Points to remember: 1. Always use a Firewall (anything other than XP's default one which is a total waste of time). 2. Always use Anti-Virus software (this and firewall are quite often combined in one package). 3. Use a proper web browser like Firefox or Opera which are good at preventing...
  11. Penfold

    Mozilla Icon

    It seems to be working in the 'post reply' page now. I haven't checked everywhere yet, but it's showing up more. Favicons can take up to a day/two days to work properly sometimes.
  12. Penfold

    Mozilla Icon

    No probs! :thumbs: I enjoyed doing it, and feel extremely honoured that it was decided to be used. If the site ever changes colours/style, or you just fancy a new one, PM me/e-mail me and I'll happily do another one :) It works on both the forums and main site for me - nice to see it there...
  13. Penfold

    Episode 1 Gameplay Stats Revealed

    Hehe, and I wonder if those people that skip the credits miss out on the Episode Two trailer.....? I wouldn't have thought so. That is one well made/coded page by, congratulations valve :)
  14. Penfold

    Mozilla Icon

    I would be happy to make a favicon as they are called. currently does not have one, but I have made my own one for personal use, which is assigned with a favicon extension for Firefox. They are very simple to put in place, and I could have one done this evening :D I was actually...
  15. Penfold

    Easter egg on EP1 website

    I take it you are involved in web design to some degree Koraktor? (Me too:)) I had a quick look throught the css (styling) file that is used for the Episode 1 website (, and found what I think is some ignored code. It contains some stuff realting to...
  16. Penfold

    Dod S

    I know absolutely nothing about programming, but I would imagine that bots for DOD: S would be a lot more difficult to make because they would need 'dependant waypoints' - ie depending on what flags the bot's team has, would it go on the offensive for one of the enemies flag's or try to...
  17. Penfold

    That Dijon map...

    I don't suppose you have any links to a download of this map?
  18. Penfold

    Nuclear Dawn Website Launched

    This looks great! Also, whilst just looking throught throught the screenshots I noticed there is a small, what looks like a small Lamda logo in the top-right of this screenshot, just above 10:34 on the digital clock. Just thought you might all like to see it :)
  19. Penfold

    Steam Ticket User ID Problem Since Update/Free Weekend News

    Thanks JMan, will try that next time I play, I had heard of this before actually, I just have the memory of a goldfish.
  20. Penfold

    Steam Ticket User ID Problem Since Update/Free Weekend News

    Yeah, I tried that too. Even did a restart. Same problem though.