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  1. Sprite

    Your Opinion Of This Forum.

  2. Sprite

    tookie williams

    You got me there, although it is impossible to compare a fascist 1940s dictator who commited the largest genocide of all time to a man who has clearly improved. It is not right for him to have been executed, but I disagree with the death penalty altogether.
  3. Sprite

    tookie williams

    Please always post your sources. I would also be interested in seeing when Hitler was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize :rolleyes:
  4. Sprite

    tookie williams

    Spelling and punctuation FTW people!
  5. Sprite

    Favour Needed Please

    Nope, I have it... think it's pretty rare though. CDs ftw.
  6. Sprite

    Found it! Audio from 9/11. you hear explosions

    Some of you lot are too narrow-minded (I'm looking at you Mech!) Nothing is a simple as option A (terrorists) or option B (conspiracy), sure it's pretty obvious that planes hit the towers... and it's probable that terrorists we're suicide pilots... but why didn't the military take control of...
  7. Sprite

    Found it! Audio from 9/11. you hear explosions

    To be fair, he suggested nothing of the sort. He said there are unanswered questions. And there are, you can't deny that.
  8. Sprite

    Found it! Audio from 9/11. you hear explosions

    I'm undecided over 9/11 theories... I am very open minded but at the same time not a gullible idiot but some things just don't add up.
  9. Sprite

    sharon's death, your reaction?

    It's only fair that everyone stops having a go at Solaris now... yeh his views may be... different to say the least but that it's his opinion. And looking at this poll most of you seem to agree :/
  10. Sprite

    Kennedy Quits

    Agreed, call me a drama queen but this is a dark day for British politics. Charles Kennedy was undoubtedly one of the best political leaders of modern times... and to be chased out by power-hungry, narrow minded MPs shows the true colours of the Liberal Democrats. Add that to the overwhelming...
  11. Sprite

    sharon's death, your reaction?

    shut up jerkasaur, he's not dead.
  12. Sprite

    AOL, They want to destroy the Internet as we know it

    You will probably find that after a while of Communist rule, greed and selfishness will have been abolished and everyone should be able to live in perfect harmony and equality... This of course is the theory, but in practice it will never work... shame...
  13. Sprite

    Source Mod Looking for XSI Modellers

    Crackhead does use XSI, in fact he never shuts up about how great it is... :?
  14. Sprite

    help please, NPCs not responding ?

    Pwnage in isle 3, repeat, pwnage in isle 3.
  15. Sprite

    Best/Worst Albums of 2005

    Okay, after quite a few votes the current leaders with 3+ votes each are Bloc Party's Silent Alarm and Sufjan Steven's Illinois. Although I myself am not a great fan of the singer/songwriter genre, Sufjan makes amazing music, and John Wayne Gacy, Jr. is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever...
  16. Sprite

    sharon's death, your reaction?

    The options in this poll are pathetic, no-one (well, I hope no-one) wants him to die, but IMHO the world would be a safer place when he goes and the Palistinian land is rightfully given back.
  17. Sprite

    Kennedy Quits

    Goddamnit, he was a good and honest man and a fantastic politician. Really took the Lib Dems a long way and it's a real shame to see him go. Gained 18 seats in just two elections, winning 62 from the 42 when he was elected leader (please tell me if these figures are wrong). Would be great to...
  18. Sprite

    George Galloway is in celebratiy Big Brother

    I smell naivity. :rolleyes:
  19. Sprite

    George Galloway is in celebratiy Big Brother

    Just for everyone's information (thanks wikipedia): Policies Respect is seen by many mainstream commentators as a single-issue party focusing on opposition to the war in Iraq. However, it claims to "provide a broad-based and inclusive alternative to the parties of privatisation, war, and...
  20. Sprite

    Source Mod Looking for XSI Modellers

    Your mod really does look very good, and your Half-Life release was a very good mod... if I get some more free time from the mod I'm working on I'll consider applying :)