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  1. T

    Strider Mod 0.3 screenshots.

    At the moment, the game modes will be DM and TDM, but in 0.4 will have a new game modes, like a assault mode.
  2. T

    Strider Mod 0.3 screenshots.

    The lag of the vehicles don't affect to the strider. The net_graph goes to 5.0 ks when you use the jeep... but the pilotable strider mantains to 1.7 Kbs (net_graph stats). The Strider movement isn't the same that the jeep movements. Strider MP works very well. :)
  3. T

    Strider Mod 0.3 screenshots.

    Hi. I'm working in the 0.3 release of the pilotable strider mod, the multiplayer one. This version will be maked from the HL2DM SDK, but at this moment, the Strider MP code works well. Take a look in this session from a MP from scratch mod maked with the pilotable Strider: Multiplayer...
  4. T

    RELEASE: Pilotable Strider Alpha Mod 0.2.75

    With the HL2DM SDK, i will release soon the 0.3 version of the MOD. (multiplayer). I'm making now the Vehicle Health HUD, and limiting Strider, because is too powerful. I was playing with my friends a beta of the 0.3 from the barebone MP SDK with the 0.2.75 Strider included. The Strider...
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    RELEASE: Pilotable Strider Alpha Mod 0.2.75

    First. Sorry if you find bugs in this release. Pilotable Strider Mod still is an alpha mod. I opened a poll in the Strider Mod English Forum asking everybody if you want a patch with bugs solved, or you want that i work with the 0.3 version (the multiplayer version) and solve the bugs here...
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    RELEASE: Pilotable Strider Alpha Mod 0.2.75

    Stay tuned. I will post more mirrors in the strider mod english forum and soon in Thanks to all!!
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    RELEASE: Pilotable Strider Alpha Mod 0.2.75

    Hi everybody. Strider Mod 0.2.75 is released. You can find it in the new Strider Mod English Forum: Strider Mod Download Topic You can post any suggestions, bugs, comments, pics here, or post me an e-mail to [email protected] Strider Mod English Forum Thanks everybody!!.
  8. T

    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.75:COMBINE ARMY Screenshots

    Please wait, in one or two hours i will release the Mod.
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    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.75:COMBINE ARMY Screenshots

    Yeah, is true. Sorry, i want to finish it to release tomorrow. Maybe in 0.3, the multiplayer one. (Working on it).
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    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.75:COMBINE ARMY Screenshots

    Sorry, will be released in Wednesday. Tomorrow i will prepare the 0.2.75 version without the bug of the strider. I found it!!!. I was working today to solve it. Thanks to all and sorry for the wait.
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    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.75:COMBINE ARMY Screenshots

    Hi everybody. Sorry, the new version will be released soon. I hope tomorrow Tuesday. The problem is the Strider. All the pilotables are implemented, but the Strider have a little strange bug. I hope to solve this problem today Monday. Someone asked me:"Why? 0.2.5 works well,no?". I say...
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    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.75:COMBINE ARMY Screenshots

    Yes. Also, the Pilotable antlion guard can summon antlions and have also a melee attack.
  13. T

    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.75:COMBINE ARMY Screenshots

    0.2.75 it's only to show you the new pilotables. I was working two weeks in the MP and still is buggy... Strider Mod 0.3 have all the 0.2.75 pilotables and HL2DM models, but only 3 weapons working from MP from scratch... I will release soon 0.3, but at the moment, you can see the...
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    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.75:COMBINE ARMY Screenshots

    You can find this screenshots in HLfallout too: Pilotable strider mod 0.2.75 screenshots in hlfallout
  15. T

    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.75:COMBINE ARMY Screenshots

    Hi, Pilotable Strider Alpha Mod v0.2.75 will be released the next week. You can see screenshots here: Pilotable Strider Alpha Mod v0.2.75 Screenshots. Thanks to all.
  16. T

    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.5: RIDE THE HELICOPTER

    Yes, you need it. I buy it in
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    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.5: RIDE THE HELICOPTER

    Well, i'm System engineer. The code of half life 2 SDK is very clean and easy. You can understand all if you spend some time in it.
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    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.5: RIDE THE HELICOPTER

    Pues es un Warning dentro del codigo CAI_BaseNPC que se me ha olvidado quitar :) . El codigo del strider son 5000 lineas de codigo y encima es una subclase de la clase base NPC, que ademas hay que trazar tambien, y como a veces no se cuando las llama... pues tengo que poner por ahi Warnings para...
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    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.5: RIDE THE HELICOPTER

    One mirror in HL2files: HL2Files Mirror