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  1. G

    Half Life 2 Mods
  2. G

    is hl2 too dated to be worth my time?

    That's exactly the point. He was asking us. However he is rejecting all of our responses. So it makes you wonder to yourself "What is the point of this thread?" BTW, Freakaloin, that's cool that your daughter pwns at Q3. Maybe she'll pwn at Neoshock too (, one of...
  3. G

    is hl2 too dated to be worth my time?

    Please close this thread... Perhaps if you are the father/mother of 4 kids, you should be spending more time ensuring that they grow up to be something other than forum trolls.
  4. G

    Icarus' Blog

    Just do it. You ARE the Consiglieri after all.
  5. G

    Valve doesnt owe us anything, right?

    I am totally aware that it was your opinion, as the content of my post was derived from my own opinions. I don't feel any rage about you expressing your views; I don't even feel any ill will toward you, I simply disagree with you, so I apologize if the wording of my post made it seem...
  6. G

    Valve doesnt owe us anything, right?

    That's capitalism for you, and guess what, if businesses weren't here, there would be no economy for rich, spoiled capitalists like you and I to enjoy. Hence, WE owe it to Valve and the country we live in to buy their products in order to preserve the status quo. They owe it to THEMSELVES to...
  7. G

    Nothing Happening On Oct. 8th?

    How exactly could a court date scheduled for March 2005 be pushed BACK to Oct. 2004?
  8. G

    Valve Site Slipup?

    I thought you Brits were under the impression that the United States were still just colonies. j/k And by the way, any state CAN leave the union if they choose - It's called seceding, and it's what caused the American Civil War. But Texas is every bit as much a state as any other, they just...
  9. G

    last time

    Just because someone defends Valve's decisions, that doesn't make them a brown noser. It's not like Valve is going to say, "Ok, we'll give YOU the game now, because you kissed our ass." Besides, all anyone has said in Valve's defense here is that they didn't miss any of you naysayers'...
  10. G

    What Valve Has Acheived

    I normally don't like to argue about things like this, but I just want to clear this up-- First of all, Source engine does self-shading. Second of all, Doom 3's lighting is in no way more advanced than the lighting in Source. As a matter of fact, it is in a sense even less advanced than the...
  11. G

    What level are you most looking forward to and level your NOT that crazy about??

    I wanna play the Jail level. After that, the tunnels, then the apartments, then the train station.
  12. G

    Complaining and praise about VALVe goes here

    Actually, they said the SDK would be released in "the coming weeks." There is a big difference. After that, they said they HOPE to release it before E3. They never said anything concrete. And they don't have to; I don't expect Tupperware to give me a concrete release date is for their...
  13. G

    "Mr." Freeman?

    Judith Mossman says "Dr. Freeman, it's been a real honor."
  14. G

    Valve's Break:

    I think it would lift Valves' spirits if we just wait a month and all buy the game. Then they'll be happy and can start on Half-Life 3.
  15. G

    HL2 Tunnels Pre-make WIP

    I'd say put a big brush that takes up the whole width and length of the room-- Make it real short tho, so it's a big plain, and put it up near the windows above where the player will be walking (assuming you are putting it in the part with the stairs) Just set the render amount to around 80, and...
  16. G

    HL2 Tunnels Pre-make WIP

    The texture is called "dustlight." It's not really an overlay-- You can place it anywhere and it gives you a sort of nice foggy look as long as you don't walk through it, then it becomes obvious that it's planar. I sometimes use it on the roof of a room to make it look like there is smoke or...
  17. G

    Anyone have this problem?

    I actually tried that, and it still does the same thing. I cut half the geometry out of my map, and recompiled to see if it was a localized issue, and it happened again. So now I'm compiling the other half. Hopefully that'll work.
  18. G

    Anyone have this problem?

    So I'm working on my map, there are no problems with it, I export to map and compile with Batch Compiler and XP-Cagey's Tools. The map compiles perfectly fine. I've checked the log and there is nothing wrong with it. I run Half-Life, try to run the map, and as soon as I hit enter the game...
  19. G

    HL2 Tunnels Pre-make WIP

    It would be cool if you checked out the Blur tutorial that is mentioned in another thread in here-- Then you could make those nice glowy windows and lights like in HL2. And maybe try throwing in that foggy light texture from Natural Selection (set to additive) to make that sort of hazy look...
  20. G

    My first real drawing (Warning, ecchi material!)

    Would you care if I inked and CG'd this? I'll send you the result and we'll call it a collaboration. Nice drawing. Maybe I should just PM you.