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  1. KoreBolteR-

    Bush World Aids plan: ...abstinence?

    most of the money go to corrupt leaders in africa anyway..
  2. KoreBolteR-

    From Fanta Videos to Bombay TV

    LOL that was quality!
  3. KoreBolteR-

    Oh Noes, Not Another: "Show Us Yer Pic" Thread!!!

    yeah those shoes look new yorkie type dont they? :D
  4. KoreBolteR-

    will I get in trouble if I wear a kaffiyeh (an "Arab turban") at the airport?

    i suppose its better to be over protective/cautious :D hehe
  5. KoreBolteR-

    Staff Needed

    i already have a job. i wudda otherwise. :P EDIT OMG just realised the time! :O
  6. KoreBolteR-

    Oh Noes, Not Another: "Show Us Yer Pic" Thread!!!

    LOL! teh most derailed thread !evar!
  7. KoreBolteR-

    Staff Needed

    position for king/pope/president/faroe/sultan/boss/leader of :o
  8. KoreBolteR-

    if a tree falls, and noone is there to hear it, did it make a sound?

    when a tree drops it makes kinetic energy sound energy :D is there more?
  9. KoreBolteR-

    will I get in trouble if I wear a kaffiyeh (an "Arab turban") at the airport?

    theylle wine and dine ya if you wear a turban!
  10. KoreBolteR-

    Saved by the bell

    thatd be the worst way to die though... buried alive... arghh!
  11. KoreBolteR-

    Saved by the bell

    hmm..strange, i always thought it was because of boxing
  12. KoreBolteR-

    Best way to call fizzy drink? Soda or Pop?

    i dont think many people in the UK call it Soda... ooo soda 22-22 pop. tie!
  13. KoreBolteR-

    Oh Noes, Not Another: "Show Us Yer Pic" Thread!!!

    AHAHAHAHA :laugh: ill get you one day :upstare:
  14. KoreBolteR-

    World of Starcraft?

    lol that was a good one :)
  15. KoreBolteR-

    US invades Iran!

    knew this was april fools. damnit
  16. KoreBolteR-

    new planet half like look

    me neither..lolol!
  17. KoreBolteR-

    what will games be like in 2012?

    thx for the replies guys! :) i bet there will be a game for olympics london around that time tbh too! games in the future i suppose will be like movies, but one which we can explore and discover ourselves. movies is for people to sit back and relax and games are the 'movies' where we can...
  18. KoreBolteR-

    Oh Noes, Not Another: "Show Us Yer Pic" Thread!!!

    LOL! newp i just didnt have a shirt on, im not showing my body am i :) the pic with me without a top on was taken about 11 months ago. the one up the top was taken around december 05 :D
  19. KoreBolteR-

    Oh Noes, Not Another: "Show Us Yer Pic" Thread!!!

    me while recording vid when mates were over. :P EH! i love windows movie maker , hehe! this was taken about 7 months before the first one.