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  1. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    It's when you're in the parking garage/subway. She'll only do it if you turn out your flashlight. And do also make sure there are no Zombies still about, As this will only prompt her to say things like "There’s something still lurking in here" So yes, No zombies and turning off your...
  2. Neko!

    If Gordon were ever to talk what would his first words be?

    -SnortGiggle- Ahh, thats good.
  3. Neko!

    STFU Bitch

    …Well.... Alyx never says anything about him offending. Perhaps the suit has a build in air-freshener?
  4. Neko!

    Ichtyosaurs in E1

    That had ceiling turrets, but they had been there so long they ran out of bullets. Therefore where no threat to you.
  5. Neko!

    Episode 2 Teaser Discussion

    Looks just as if they hadn’t skinned it yet. The trailer’s Mini Striders where almost whitish. But other then that it's looks completed model-wise.
  6. Neko!

    STFU Bitch

    And in those three days you’re constantly being shot at. Hell, there doesn’t even seem to be time to go take a leek with all the bullets flying overhead.
  7. Neko!

    STFU Bitch

    Yes. He’ll consume your soul. Then you. Because he's a big man homer.... ..A Big Man...
  8. Neko!

    STFU Bitch

    No! Not my Alyx! You treat her so poorly! And plus, you'd never hear Gordon say anything like that because he never talks. Of course, if it is true in what Valve implies, then yes, I guess Gordon can talk. If only to say what you the player would have him say. As it is, She’s never given me a...
  9. Neko!

    Because we love Alyx...

    When Alyx asked if there was room for two in my suit I replied “I could carry you if you'd like Hun." In which case Gordon blushes profusely after realizing he called Alyx 'Hun'. Alyx looks at Gordon and blush like she dose (Looks to the side and brushes her finger in her hair, fiddles with her...
  10. Neko!

    LOL-worthy things said by NPCs in EP1

    Blasphemy! Burn him at the stake!
  11. Neko!

    Zee art of Zee Neko!

    I could draw Breen.. Or.. Attempted to draw Breen.. What would you like him doing?
  12. Neko!

    Episode one freezes!

    I don’t know. But I’ve found Alt, Ctrl, and Deleting back to windows and waiting a second or two fixes it for Steve. If it’s going to happen to him It’s going to happen within the fist half-hour and it will only happen once, so It's only a small delay to me.
  13. Neko!

    Zee art of Zee Neko!

    I'd say the dancing moron would have to be the Internet. And that bat would be the bat of rightfulness that slays all idiocy it comes across.
  14. Neko!

    Lambda Tattoo

    You could also get a tattoo of a symbol similar to the 'Good DOG' shirt. Or of a toilet hitting a stick man over the head.
  15. Neko!

    Zee art of Zee Neko!

    I beg to differ. These are sketches. This is how it begin to look the more work I do on it. The drawing at the bottom of my original post is supposed to have a very grainy look to it. Bit I assure you, nothing of the original sketch is left, besides the general outline...
  16. Neko!

    Lambda Tattoo

    Well no. Not really. I see people with band tattoos, movie tattoos. Hell, Game tattoos wouldn’t be bad at all. In fact, there's an entire wed-site dedicated to geeks and their tattoos. I guess it's a fine line from 'Cool' to 'Nerd' ehh?
  17. Neko!

    Zee art of Zee Neko!

    Wherez oui can find talent. Even underz za rock. Hmm.. Yes, While I wouldn’t say it's top notch, I wouldn’t say it's That bad. Yes. You see, I'm an artist of muse, and my muses change so often... Well.. It's just hard for even me to keep up. At the moment my drawings have been based off V...
  18. Neko!

    Best new element of episode 1?

    I voted Alyx. Because if it's any revelation to any of you, I do so love Alyx. Of course, I even liked her before Episode 1, but now? Now it's love.
  19. Neko!

    This series is surreal. Especially after Half-Life 2... [Episode One Spoilers]

    Mmm. I think I'd be fine without seeing a couple having sex in the game. Kissing, hugging, general stuff like that is fine. I don't think Valve would lower themselves so much as to put a sex scene in their game. And even more so to have Gordon’s one and only word spoken threw out the entire...
  20. Neko!


    Not really. I mean, once you think about. The Combine are simply genetically mutated humans that the Administrators morphed into their own more controllable form. For all we know the Combines 'brain' my be elsewhere in it's body, seeing since they don't seem to have that much free will.