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  1. RichGuk


    Hi, Thanks you have great style in music too, infact so do most of you :cheese:, I've got some led zep, Neil young, Velvet Underground and Jimi hedrix on my mp3 player today for school ;) while I work in my free periods :O!, Rich
  2. RichGuk

    Currupt downloads plz help

    Hi, if its just a crappy hd, just buy a new one ;)
  3. RichGuk

    Currupt downloads plz help

    Hi, Have you tryed like SLH said and trying one of the exe files from another computer (one that you know works on the other computer), Rich
  4. RichGuk

    Once but no more..

    Hi, kool. I've only just started learning c++ I'm reading "Sams teach yourself c++ in 21 days" on day 8 at the moment, Its atauly quite a good book and I'm finding it usefull, but some of it is very simpler to php so I kind of know some stuff. Rich
  5. RichGuk


    Hi, Some of you lot have great music tastes ;), I forgot about Sigur Ros, well I have big list but I don't want to write them all as that would just be spaming, Rich
  6. RichGuk


    Hi, I was just wondering what kind of music you lot listen too? like what bands, etc.. I like lots of music but my fav bands are prob; Radiohead Pink Floyd Led zep Jimi hedrix u2 Bruce springsteen Niel Young, etc.. (sorry if this has been posted b4), Rich
  7. RichGuk

    Girl Trouble

    Hi, Halo isn't that bad its quite a good game, but hl2!!! :cheese:
  8. RichGuk

    Once but no more..

    Hi, Our school has a failry ok connection well they have a big connection but its not fast becuase a local school also uses it, but it still feels faster than 56k ;) Not all the time tho :afro:, Rich
  9. RichGuk

    Once but no more..

    Hi, I didn't really get into computing untill about 2 years ago, I'm not even sure why i did but I'm glad I did because now I'm hocked :) and I love playing games, making sites, and learning c++ :cool:, Rich
  10. RichGuk

    Once but no more..

    Hi, I agree with some of your points I mean to be honest the amount of sites my school block they might as well just not have the internet. But now I'm in sixth form (collage for school) I recon they should allow you on more sites, i.e gaming sites
  11. RichGuk

    Once but no more..

    Hi, lol we used to have acorns but a few years they updated out ict deparment :) so we now have fairly ok computers and the internet although most of the sites are banned I mean this site is filtered out as "Games" But I'm ok with the proxy just need to password protect it stop the people...
  12. RichGuk

    Once but no more..

    Hi, my school block on their systems :( so I couldn't access this wonderfull forums... but no more :O! I've now set up a web proxy ;) (well untill that gets blocked) So can now access this wonderfull site :), Rich
  13. RichGuk

    Go to Sleep

    Hi, Yer there also good song :), well atauly the whole album is good, the only song I don't like is we suck young blood. But i will still listen to it, But its still no OK Computer and my all time fav song Paranoid Andriod mind you I quite like cuttooth :). Go to sleep single came with some...
  14. RichGuk

    Go to Sleep

    Hi, Go to sleep is a kool song ;), but its not the best on the album (oh no!) I think Where I end and you begin is! :D.
  15. RichGuk

    new hl2 site

    Hi, recycling code is ok, as long as its good code. Whats the point in coding soming that has all ready been done before, that is good and you can use. I mean if recycle my code all the time it saves a lot of time. on the other hand phpnuke is evil!, lol
  16. RichGuk

    new hl2 site

    Hi, I know what you mean I tryed re-coding nuke for a mate, and well I gave up :), and thats why my site is using my code :) ;)
  17. RichGuk

    new hl2 site

    Hi, Yer it is, did you know php pervious then?, as I though this was your first site..
  18. RichGuk

    new hl2 site

    php nuke is evil!!! and its also has some of the messiest code i've seen. (well apart from mine :))
  19. RichGuk

    new hl2 site

    Hi, I like it its not bad for a first site, I mean my frist site was well lets not mention it, lol The top banner uses flash :O!, wish I knew flash *jelous* I'm working on a site at the moment :) What you think, hehe :), there's still a bit of code left to do...
  20. RichGuk

    Please help

    I'm not to sure, you could try downloading one of the full steam install files (here: Other than that no idea.. sorry..