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  1. S

    Half-Life 2 Completed in 2 hours

    Obviously that's not his real address, there is no such state.
  2. S

    Half-Life 2 Completed in 2 hours

    Good Luck beating a game in 2 hours that is supposed to take the average gamer 40+ hours to beat.
  3. S

    dude, even Doom3 has DM remake but hl2 is left empty handed?

    Buys Half Life 2, standard MP component is CS:S. Waits for source port of original Half Life for classic DM action. In the meantime, plays HL2 single player beating it on: Easy- Unlock Footage to HL3 Normal- Unlocks DOD:S Hard- Unlocks TFC:S ...wishes....
  4. S

    Manipulator = no ammo?

    Actually, I feel that it is actually logical for it to contain no power or ammo. The manipulator seems to gather its energy from electrons or something similar in the air. It distorts the gravity around the object your targeting so you can lift it. Just the way I've always seen it.
  5. S

    Is your PC ready for Half life 2?

    Heres Mine: AMD Athlon 64 +3200 1024 DDR memory ATI Radeon 9800XT 19'' Viewsonic Monitor 120 gb HD MSI MS-6702 mobo
  6. S

    My Eyes Are Bleeding!

    Ahhh. I need to see this video...
  7. S

    [Central Topic] Half-Life 2 Multiplayer

    I highly doubt that CSS is HL2's multiplayer. They stated that all the HL 1 ported materials would not be free. However, CSS is shipping the same day HL2 is, so whichever your fancy, you can get both and have the best of both worlds if you like.
  8. S

    Best Voice Acting EVER!

    Omg he did the voice for Rafiki...thats bad as hell.
  9. S

    HALF LIFE 2 FULL DEMO video from both BOOTHS

    omg i am a noob how does bit torrent work! i click on it and it just stops and puts this 1 kb file in my folder! what do i do ahhhhhh
  10. S

    Valve owes you NOTHING

    The stupidity in this thread makes me have aneurysms.
  11. S

    The discussion for the U.S.A version of PCGAMER

    Heres what the article said specifically about fire. By the way, the picture to the introduction of the article is one of the coolest pictures I've ever seen..ever. The picture is worth $10 itself.
  12. S

    Gasoline in a barrel + a bullet

    Hmm..interesting question. However, I would assume that upon shooting the barrel it would detonate instantly, but the fire thing would be cool.
  13. S

    Anyone else staying away from these forums when the game releases?

    Man its been a while since I visited these forums... Anyways, I must request for days of work (Pizza Hut ;)) And then play the game religiously between days of summer school. Coming here will be out of the question. As Is executing any other program on my computer until I beat HL2 at least...
  14. S

    a Bold True, sad yet supriseingly hopefull outcome for '04 HL fans

    LOL..ahahhaha...eheh..ehrm...sorry :D
  15. S

    The REAL G-man !!!!

    Hey, Fenric is that an actual wallpaper with the g-man in the suit? If its real could you give me some linkage...I need it!
  16. S

    Jesus ****ing Christ...

    No, actually, I found it highly offensive as to how he wrote the subject to this moronic thread. It itself actually makes me want to curse. Im sorry they canceled your game, but get over it.
  17. S

    What did he actually say?

    Imagine an ending such that of the "Smack my B**ch Up" video, playing through the entire game and story only to find out at the end that you actually ARE an alien, talk about a surprise eh? :P
  18. S

    Why will HL2 be any better than other games ?

    Grow up..:rolleyes: :dozey: :hmph:
  19. S

    which will be the best FPS of 2004(reviewed edition)

    "They move around the Zone searching for various anomalous formations, i.e. artifacts, they would sell to various organizations." The quote above is from the background story for S.T.A.L.K.E.R., and it completley and utterly destroyed all interest that I had in the game. And Half Life...
  20. S

    Do you believe that HL2 will just be another game when it comes out?

    Ugh...your comment of comparison makes my stomach cringe... I was particularly excited about getting Halo PC, I played it for 3 days and uninstalled it. Somehow the game has lost its appeal and is now the coaster for my sodas.