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  1. gokumike


    I had trouble at first but what i did is right click the half life 2 icon in the steam thing, then click on properties then luanch options and type -console. hope this helps
  2. gokumike

    urban combat map for half life 2 single player

    Here is a map i made with some screen shots.It is a intense urban combat map with lots of action, some feedback would be cool :D . this is my first real map so go easy on me.
  3. gokumike

    Hats off to you...

    If you read the tutuorials and how to's its not as hard as you think.
  4. gokumike

    how do i make combine for HL2?

    the entity NPC combine_s and make nodes around so they can move.
  5. gokumike

    Some questions

    I applied nodraw on it and put glass texture on the 2 view sides outside and inside of the building and the window doesn't appear in game. also and anothe question, when ever i use a mounted gun some of the lighting messes up and makes some stuff dark. here is the pic...
  6. gokumike

    Some questions

    anyone pls? i figured out 2 and 3, but need help for 1 and 4 pls.
  7. gokumike

    Some questions

    1. when i tryed to make a 3d sky box the lighting of the entire map is messed up, only part of it is lighted the other is not. i made a hollowed box with the tool skybox off the edge of the map, with a sky camera and a light env in do i get this to work right? 2. i made a npc maker...
  8. gokumike

    Anyway to make a brush with physics?

    tried it. they don't act right for somereason. they don't fall and they get destroyed and i don't want them to, any ideas?
  9. gokumike

    Anyway to make a brush with physics?

    Is there any way to make a brush with physics that doesn't get destroyed? I made one and it fell and everything but it got destroyed? i set one of the properties to 0 to make it not break like it said, but it still did. then when i made another it didn't fall, I am trying to make a brush that is...
  10. gokumike

    Saving Private Ryan inspired map

    Ive add some debris so far. looks pretty cool, later on when i have most finished, i will make a sphere brush and use it to carves crates in the streets and buildings. I will post some more pics of the progress of my map soon :)
  11. gokumike

    Saving Private Ryan inspired map

    here is some more pics of the progress so far.
  12. gokumike

    Saving Private Ryan inspired map

    Thats why it is an inspired map, not exactly the same :)
  13. gokumike

    Saving Private Ryan inspired map

    Here is what i have started.
  14. gokumike

    how do you upload map in a post?

    How do you upload a files such as maps for other people to download from your post? thanks
  15. gokumike

    Saving Private Ryan inspired map

    I have started a layout, but how do i post a link so people can download it?
  16. gokumike

    Saving Private Ryan inspired map

    I have mapped before, I can create the stuff, but I am not good at making stuff realistic, i have no artisitc ability. my buildings are just big boxes with doors, i don't know how to make them look real with the right architecture. I have started a map with the layout and stuff, streets and...
  17. gokumike

    Saving Private Ryan inspired map

    where would i download it and could it be run in half life 2?
  18. gokumike

    Saving Private Ryan inspired map

    I am trying to make a map inspired from the movie saving private ryan, The town at the end of the movie, I want to make some damaged buildings and the bell tower. So far i am not doing so good, can anyone help me make this pls. I am making this for hl2 singleplayer.
  19. gokumike

    Trading maps

    Here are some pics, kinda basic, shows me firing from the tower. and then one of the street with bodys.
  20. gokumike

    Trading maps

    yeah, this map i'm working on I am good at making streets and stuff and the idea of the map, but not good at making the buildings. If i give it to download mabey someone will work on it and post it back and give me ideas of what i could to my other maps or this same one.