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  1. gokumike

    All eyes on thursday evening!

    ok gabe, i will look to thursday then
  2. gokumike

    Its All About The 13th

    Galve is kinda a resemblence to something? galve -Gabe valve?
  3. gokumike

    Stop clicking links.

    That son of a Bitch already spoiled a few good points in the story line for me, and on a few of them he appeared to be using this account! which is my brothers. I immediately knew what was going on and I stopped clicking them right away. EDIT: Because if I didn’t why would i want to spoil...
  4. gokumike


    I don't know much about making mods or doing high technical stuff like that, but i hope valve makes it easy somehow where people with average comp skills can make mods or levels, or even mods only for you, like making mod with a level that is your home town or something where you could go around...
  5. gokumike

    Some new Ideas

    yeah tf2 or dod 2 would be awsome for these ideas
  6. gokumike

    Some new Ideas

    explain please, i would like to hear other peoples ideas on this.
  7. gokumike

    Some new Ideas

    I am also talking about mods
  8. gokumike

    Some new Ideas

    I just thought of some new ideas that would be cool HL2 mulitplayer if they have one or some of the mods. 1. One idea i thought of is about using voice system in game, instead of hearing one person talk and hearing them on the whole server, why not just have there voice only come from there...
  9. gokumike

    Prepare for DECEMBER

    I hope it comes out in september and not december.
  10. gokumike

    Counter strike Source pre-load?? I thought they said today!!

    The voice in that sounds just like tom green!
  11. gokumike

    Counter strike Source pre-load?? I thought they said today!!

    If your worried about that just go to
  12. gokumike

    Realistic firefight sounds

    why watch a movie to see what its like when you could shoot real ones and find out?
  13. gokumike

    Smg's or Rifles

    That gives me a crazy idea for multiplayer, have one of your friends shoot the rocketluancher, then you try to grab the rocket in flight with the manipulator, sounds crazy but wouldn't mind trying it for the heck of it.
  14. gokumike

    chat rooms

    Does anyone know any good chat channels for half life 2? the one on here seems to be a nightmare, got a trojan virus trying to get mirc and when i got that cleared and join the halflife 2 channel there were like 20 people on there but no one would say a thing it was just silence, don't know why...
  15. gokumike

    Bullet effects

    Battle field was stupid, ive shot a people like 15 times in the chest and they didn't die, and basicly seen a shelll from a ship hit right next to a guy and he didn't even get a scratch.
  16. gokumike

    Bullet effects

    I don't know if i should of started a new thread about a new topic i want to discuss but i want to talk about bullet effects..., I don't know about you but ive played games that had shitty bullet effects. like battlefield 1942, it looks like you are shooting a BB gun on that game, you shoot a...
  17. gokumike


    Gonna start a new thread about bullet effects since this thread is kinda old :sleep:
  18. gokumike


    I don't know if i should of started a new thread about a new topic i want to discuss but i want to talk about bullet effects..., I don't know about you but ive played games that had shitty bullet effects. like battlefield 1942, it looks like you are shooting a BB gun on that game, you shoot a...
  19. gokumike

    What do you think the playtime will be in HL2 approximately

    I think i read something saying there should be at least 36 hours of play time to beat half life 2.
  20. gokumike

    Death realism?

    could it be possible for mods to have disemberment?