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  1. S

    this might not be appropriate for these forums but...

    That was an entertaining read, thx. Still shows you have no idea!
  2. S


    4.5mb is nothing, Ive seen many maps hit 20+MB.
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    [WIP]cs_mansion *Teaser*

    Looks good, My only suggestion for now would be to increase the width of the point_spot entities on the street lights and shorten their length.
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    That was for him to help learn some basics. I have found a few prefabs to be helpful in learning new techniques. Not so different than a tut. I make my own prefabs all the time just to try and save some time. Some people don't have all the time in the world to make stuff from scratch!!! :P
  5. S

    DM stat for servers...

    That is really cool! I def think there will be a demand for this! Good job m8!
  6. S


    Look for some prefabs. There are many resources out there. Google, google, google!
  7. S

    console command...whats it called?

    CSS Console Commands: mat_wireframe 1 Shows everything the engine draws, including models, but only the outer lines (toggle off with "mat_wireframe 0") Therefore, you can see through walls to see EXACLY everything the engine draws. If you were Weeble or Bob, you wouldn't see the pipes...
  8. S

    Scripted NPC's in a CS:S map?

    Thx for the relpy, I'm def gona try it in HL2:DM. If I get something working maybe I'll make a nice tut for it!
  9. S

    Extracting textures from a .wad?

    This utility will convert all files in a wad to tga's. Look for the link at top of program that says WAD-VTF. It creates the tga's and then runs vtex to create the vtf's. This program is compliments of: Ti133700N's Oh yeah, did I mention that I...
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    Check it out. Plain and simple, if you have a pointfile after compile you have a leak. If you compile and do not have a pointfile then you don't have a leak. Seriously listen to what the above folks mentioned and follow the lil red line until it leaves your map (most likely where the 2D...
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    scared of the sky camera

    Try a different texture for shits. I've actually had problems with that texture before. I wrote this for multiple cams and monitors. Might help: link Its towards the bottom of the page.
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    scared of the sky camera

    I know what your saying. 1st, save your map as a new name for backup. When you select everything to make your 3D skybox, copy it, and paste it and scale it, that is only used for reference material. Once you have your scaled reference you can build the 3D scene around your scaled down...
  13. S

    help with physbox please!

    I have no clue but can offer a possible suggestion. Maybe make the sled a vehicle of some sort instead of physbox?
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    Scripted NPC's in a CS:S map?

    Guess not. GOSH.
  15. S

    tale of woe

    I think you are showing your 1337ness again!! That would fkn rock. I would imagine anyone who Hammers would apprecieate that. I'm really good at saving stuff but every now and then I forget and will lose a crap load of changes on a crash. I will use it! Have I ever told you how much...
  16. S

    Scripted NPC's in a CS:S map?

    I'm making a map for CS:S and I could really use a scriptable NPC like Alyx. I was wondering if anyone has tried this and got it to work or if its even possible in CS:S. Here is what I want to do. I want an NPC to be approachable and respond to someone. This NPC would be walking around in a...
  17. S

    My map thus far

    I just realized that you are purposely giving out your .VMF file. There is no way to keep people from stealing your map if you give it to them! Only give out the .bsp locked down if you don't want anyone snagging your map.
  18. S

    props in a cs map

    I know what you are saying, If domeone has downloaded Steam and only installed CSS and not HL2. I would think that if they did not install HL2 then the props will not show up.
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    I need Some help with BSPZIP

    For those who cant figure out how to do this using bspzip there is another way to ensure that your materials show up for others. The way I speak of is called using a .res file. Open notpad and input this: (replace "your_folder" and file names with your stuff) "resources" {...
  20. S

    Two Map Releases

    I really enjoyed looking thru the pics. I'm not in the position to test these but they look good! Keep up the good work.