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  1. D

    forcing Ultra High-Res Textures

    thanks guys appreciate it :-) close thread mods, thanks !
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    forcing Ultra High-Res Textures

    Hopefully someone can answer this. A while back I read that Valve was going to release Ultra high res textures for Half Life 2 that would be utilized by 256 meg video cards. My question was, has it been confirmed if people with 128 meg cards can force the high res textures on, at a price for...
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    Vivendi trouble

    lol, so true Gotta hand it to the EU thought...they just granted AMD permission to look at Intel's no no documents :naughty:
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    "your expecting companies to use shitty marketing strategies?" sigh, no, and them telling the world when it's coming out isn't freaking's letting investors get ready for vivendi stock purchases. All I ask of Valve is to let US , the COMMUNITY, THE FANSITES, know these...
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    "Last time. And this time you have to see it: Go back and READ MY POSTS" I did bro :) It comes to this. I expected more from Valve to sacrifice the breaking story to MSN Money and let websites DEVOTED TO VALVE and their games know about it first.
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    "but how does that at all apply to hl2 marketing, don't over exert yourself pal" I guess it doesn't. Valve simply decided to break the news in a tardy manner with MSN 'Money', because 'they just can'
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    **********how does that example make any sense what so ever********** because I CARE ABOUT MY FATHER MORE THAN AMERICA DOES, therefore, as a courtesy, I SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY INFORMED
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    "Welcome to corporate America. The reason company supports community is to get their hard-earned money." no shit again, my question. why not tell us as soon as they know. They're not losing any money for keeping the ridiculously impatient fanbase in the know with timeframe updates
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    "Once again, who the $@#% cares who they told first? how do you know they didn't tell MSN Money KNOWING that they'd take that information to their customers and fans." I freaking care ! And so should you ! my God ! Here's an extreme f'n example I'm out of the country. My father killed...
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    unbelievable're passionate about something. A new movie, a new album coming out perhaps ... what do you do, you research and you dig for any bit of information, any tidbit , any rumor imaginable. We have THOUSANDS of CUSTOMERS who have politely asked for updates ASAP from...
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    Mr. Reak, So what you're saying is it's fair and just for an editor from MSN Money to learn about the status of a product earlier than customers themselves ....because Valve ''just CAN and don't owe us anything?" If every person on this planet had that same philosophy we'd be @#$%^
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    Because Microsoft wouldn't exist if they didn't strive to please their customers. Mr. Reak, I paid at a local mom /pop shop, they got their money already. But 'that's not the point' boy, I sure am saying that a lot
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    EXACTLY this is so off topic noone's listening to what I'm even saying
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    Sai, Because I simply want to know why Valve wouldn't tell someone, like you or me, the status of the product that they're selling to us. did you read through the thread ? That's all it's about. I emailied Gabe, see if I get an answer
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    I asked Finger And there's an exception to your point for the people who we're screwed out of the bundling of the 9800's. Any caring company would let me know frequently as to what the status is of my 'back-ordered' product. Any company who has the decency to respond to customers inquiries...
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    "Valve/Software companies don't owe us a thing" You feel the same way about Microsoft ?
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    "big announcements should be delivered through large gaming media centres." like the Doom III community anxiously waiting for a .plan update stating they've gone gold, instead of reading about it a few weeks later in a casual Gaming Magazine ? Everyone myswell quit posting in this...
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    Luke Vibert, thanks, I'll have to check him out I'm out, take care Ahnteis you're adorable
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    Dr. Freeman, why are you attacking me ? "because if they emailed every HL fan about this.. then they'd be too busy doing that and not completing the game.. do u want a stupid email telling u about the game or do u want the damn game released? which is it?!" I'm not asking them to ...
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    What just pisses me the @#$% off

    Absinthe thank you for speaking intelligently to me The difference is another game addiction :-/ In all seriousness, I, like everyone here, NEEDS to play these games. I have absolutely no problem waiting for these products...but is it so much to ask for to have them keep...