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  1. AgentSmith

    Attention Cheaters

    A) If you think the cheating lame arses would listen you are sadly mistaken. B) If you thnk Valve is ever going to stop cheating, or even make a dent, you are sadly mistaken. Hell, on of the biggest factors in CS's popularity is the ease of cheating - that is why Valve has never even...
  2. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    That is the point - nothing done to a new game changes the old game (of which there are now two, CS and CZ). Why in the world would you want the same game over and over? You want graphics to advance and improve and physics to advance and improve and netcode to advance and improve but the play...
  3. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    I don't think it would change play that much - it would just achieve the same or similar play via a differant route. For instance, adding the dimension of differant weapons having differant purposes instead fo the flat single diminsion of more money equals faster killer. You might need less...
  4. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Maybe you are lucky but at least you would have a new game and not a sloppy port of a 5 year old game. Certainly there is something to be said about having something new that fully utilizes the engine you are buying when you get HL2 and even if the idea is not to your exact liking a more...
  5. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Are all 1700+ of your posts as useless as that one? If you don't like what I posted then leave the thread, no need to be an a$$. I left off one thing, I would drop 56K support. Part of what we are seeing in CS:S is the comprimises that come from having to cater the netcode to support 56k...
  6. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    If I were Gabe I would have done the following with HL2 MP: First, very simple unspectacular DM with a few maps taken right from the game and using the various HL2 weapons. Certainly this is something that Valve can handle producing given the enormous revenue that HL2 is certain to generate...
  7. AgentSmith

    important CSS tip

    That was an old issue that was resolved way back in, I think, the 1.3 days. Even after that there where several fixes for the hitboxes so by 1.6 they are pretty much fixed. Here is a little graphic of the hitboxes from those days. BTW: HeHe. Now, that being said I think CS:S has...
  8. AgentSmith

    I can't take it anymore...

    Well, I think the people who should be questioned about what they "expect" are the ones that think it is somehow acceptable to simply do a sloppy port of a 5 year old free MOD and call that the MP for one of the most anticipated games of all time? What I expected was a true Source MP - one that...
  9. AgentSmith

    Anyone gone back to play normal CS?

    The netcode is simply terrible - how can you even say it is the best when all it does it what Quake 2 games did (small maps, no vehicles, small player counts, no advanced weapon physics, etc)? Sometimes I really wonder if CS people have any idea what other games out there are capable of...
  10. AgentSmith

    I can't take it anymore...

    The hack thing is pretty lame - just more evidence that Valve just slapped CS:S together in order to trick the community into buying through Steam. Also really makes you wonder, as I said before, how succesfull any MODs are gonna be with this engine as the early info on Source is that it is not...
  11. AgentSmith

    Anyone gone back to play normal CS?

    I left behind the one dimensional mouse twitchfest of CS long ago - the only thing that makes CS:S even remotely interesting in revisiting that old game style is the new Source engine graphics. However, once you factor in the wierd physics and the really bad netcode/hitboxes it completely loses...
  12. AgentSmith

    I can't take it anymore...

    Can you tell me another game that requires manual editing of config files in order to get play that is not jerky or to be able to get it so the netcode doesn't make it nearly impossible to hit anything? Or another game that allows clients to adjust things that affect other players in this...
  13. AgentSmith

    I can't take it anymore... The cheats are allready confirmed (even built in one line settings) and the hitbox issues are also well documented. The force field physics are undisputably goofy so there really isn't anything to argue about. If it doesn't bother you...
  14. AgentSmith

    ClanBase closes all CS:Source ladders, reason builtin cheats

    Another example of just how bad CS:S is and how Valve ripped us all off with this sad excuse for HL2 MP.
  15. AgentSmith

    I can't take it anymore...

    Yeah, I get a solid 90 to 100 FPS avg. I applaud the engine for how fast it renders great graphics - that is not the issue. Source might not be the best of the best graphics wise but it is certainly the most realistic looking overall and the best engine at producing great graphics effeciently...
  16. AgentSmith

    I can't take it anymore...

    Again, don't think that is the case. Many people have tested this out and even shot videos with only two people on a server with the issue still showing up. In addition in real situations I play only on low ping servers and check for choke or other problems. I also NEVER play on any servers...
  17. AgentSmith

    I can't take it anymore...

    Well, you would be hard pressed to have a better rig than mine (see my sig) so that isn't it. Server problems are possible but the physics issue (another symptom of a need to dumb everything down to cover for the engine working online) is just as borked if you run a listen server where you have...
  18. AgentSmith

    I can't take it anymore...

    Well, that is a guess. I do not share your 'faith' as this release was clearly titled CS:S Final by Valve for one. I also doubt they will do much to fix it or they would have before public release, after all if CS:S doesn't make the engine look promising it would mean bad sales, so I bet that...
  19. AgentSmith

    I can't take it anymore...

    Exactly - typical Quake gameplay even with CS's (at the time) innovative game modes. Fact is that the gameplay simply doesn't stand up to what games have evolved to since that time but EVEN if you forget that (a subjective issue) the fact remains that it is essential that a run-jump-shootfest...
  20. AgentSmith

    I can't take it anymore...

    My belief (concern) with the hit detection issue is that when you look at the physics problem and some of the other issues you can only really conclude that the engine is flawed in a MP setting. Maybe flawed is not the right word, maybe limited is better. So far we have seen a couple of these...