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  1. I

    Night Of The Living Dead

    They do now! :D
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    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    Nothing for the monkey? K
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    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    Maby he went to the moon?
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    Aftermath videos?

    *drool* Damnit i can't wait for it. :(
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    Combine Soldier VS Antlion Guard

    The Combine soldiers could be rebels in disguise.
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    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    Kent looks over his shoulder and peers over the console to see the guards suddenly run out of the room. "What the ****???" Kent yelled and turned towards Ian. "Well while their distracted we'd better get out of here". "Can you open the cells from here or will we have to find another console?"
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    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    Sorry about that im back now. My computer was being upgraded when it ran into some.. erm problems. But its all better now. *looks at PM's* ...damn too late :P
  8. I

    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    "@#$%!!!" exlaimed Kent clutching his leg "remind me never to take another bullet for ANYONE!" Both he and Ian were behind the console, the Cps behind them taking random pot shot to keep them there. "We can't stay here long. We gotta escape quickly" Sorry tired.
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    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    just a note. Kent was the one who charged and got shot in the leg, not Ian.
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    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    Twas pretty good. Singapore for 5 days, Malasia (sp?) overnight then off to Bali for five days. Its too damn hot in all three countries but it seems brighter in Aus, And the water taste disgusting in Malasia (sp?) and Bali (no offense). Infact i got sick from something in Bali and im going to...
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    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    OOC: Umm Jintor. The bullet landed in Kents leg not Ians. Sorry just pointing it out. I don't know what you want to do. (Edit, just get us to play on?) But i won't be able to post till monday and after that im gone for two weeks.... So from now till i get back i give you the decision of who...
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    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    I can only for a few days. Im off to singapore on the 4th.
  13. I

    Just want to get one thing clear

    Haha so true.
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    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    Shit! "Move!" shouted Kent as he pushed Ian down behind the computer module and started fireing the SMG wildly trying to take out the startled Combine soldiers before they had time to shoot back. Unfortunantly for Kent, the CP's were faster that they looked. *splat* a bullet landed in Kent' leg...
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    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    Im back im back.
  16. I

    New character in Lost Coast

    It's a Holy fishing rod.
  17. I

    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    I also have exams. Evil evil hellish exams.
  18. I

    - Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

    "hmmm" Thaught Kent to himself when suddenly the Cp hit the computer console. Kent stared at the Cp for a few seconds before saying "Hey defective...Cp..... person Theres an armory and a medbay nearby is your neck still feeling alright after the umm thing i did to it?"