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  1. Espionage

    My Lego Combine Rifle

    Does anybody remember pics a while ago of some guy who made a bunch of rifles out of cardboard, they looked amazing.
  2. Espionage

    i just failed organic chemistry

    I got my politics exam in jan, going to have to get my head down over xmas!
  3. Espionage

    Every opponent suffers!

  4. Espionage

    Every opponent suffers!

    Sorry dude, if its any consolation I don't find it funny, just contains a very addicting tune. :cheers:
  5. Espionage

    Every opponent suffers! :hmph: Love the tune! anybody know where it is from?
  6. Espionage

    Russian talkshow madness!

    I'm glad you all like, I accept donations via paypal
  7. Espionage

    Russian talkshow madness! Er.... WOW.
  8. Espionage


    You being serious?
  9. Espionage

    TheNerdNews: Russian squirrel pack 'kills dog'

    Oh, always trying to bring a brother down!
  10. Espionage


    An architect
  11. Espionage

    Favorite Dream

    I also have a bit of lucid control in my dreams. I often realize that I'm in a dream and as described above, a time limit seems to take effect. An annoying blur to waking up that keeps pushing itself ever so closer to making you wake up every time you seem to take more control. I remember this...
  12. Espionage

    Your favourite flash films and games

    You all failed. Best Flash series yet:
  13. Espionage

    How did you find this site?

    3 weeks ago alone, I played the wee gee board board on a table in my garden on a dark cold night. Nothing was happening for the first 15 minutes until the board started to communicate, it spelt out 'halflife2 net'. Could not sleep all night wondering what this meant, so the next morning I...
  14. Espionage

    I've got something as violent as GTA and aimed a children for Jack Thompson

    We have both versions shown on children's TV here in the UK.
  15. Espionage

    Forum interview with a Columbine survivor.

    Amazing read.