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  1. the_wolf27

    Steven Seagal is... the Cock Puncher

    Directed by Tom Kuntz. Sheesh. And Segal is the worst actor in the history of acting. He smells like a dead skunk in a steaming pile of shit and vomit.
  2. the_wolf27

    I bought a digital camera. what should I take pictures of?

    Don't expect to ask a question like that and get a straight foward, reasonable answer buddy hehe.
  3. the_wolf27

    Transformers movie website

    Dude how can you say that? Armaggedon? The Rock? Bad Boys 1 & 2? And I thought The island was pretty ausome. You have to admit he's done alright. But if he screws this one up I'll KICK HIS ASS. After I get past his million dollar security system, Armed guards and attack dogs.
  4. the_wolf27

    Makes me hate AvP movie even more!!!!

    Amen brother. IDIOTS. You destroyed the legend. You've taken two legendary movies, combined them and turned it into a really bad episode of buffy, with pretty good effects.
  5. the_wolf27

    Transformers movie website

    I've always been a transformers fan. I had all the toys, watched the show, bought the animated movie, and have a few collectables. Call me a sad little robot man but they started a revolution. The original series was ausome up until abit past the movie with unicron, then came Transformers...
  6. the_wolf27

    Thoughts on Halo the Movie

    Hmm, I personaly am looking forward to it, even though I have to wait another year or so. I just hope Peter Jackson brings enough cards to the table. With Weta's talents and Pete's influence I'm expecting nothing short of amazing. I'm hoping anyway. Speaking of Milla Jovovich, I would love...
  7. the_wolf27

    Wolfmother, holy shit

    I've heard of them but never really heard their songs. Can anyone recommend a good song or songs?
  8. the_wolf27

    Thoughts on Halo the Movie

    Just wanting to know peoples thoughts on the Halo movie. I'm not sure who is directing it but I know Peter Jackson is executive producer and Weta digital (responsible the Gollum and The Kong) is doing the special effects as my brother works for them. Do you think that there is enough of a...
  9. the_wolf27

    Transformers movie website

    This is one movie that they CANNOT afford to **** up otherwise it will be the end of the world and I will be the bringer of destruction. PLLLLEEEEEAAAASSEEE BE GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For everyones sake.
  10. the_wolf27


    I really don't think the guys care wether their faces are on screen or not. They get to **** gorgeous women and get payed for it. Especially the types of guys in the industry. Plus the majority of people that buy porn would be, I'm assuming, male. I'm guessing the less of the male figure is...
  11. the_wolf27

    World Cup Winner?

    I would love the Socceroos to win obviously as I am Australian but I don't think they will. Brazil?
  12. the_wolf27


    OK for f*uck sake. What I meant was do you think its wrong to buy, look at and wack off to porn or not. I guess I should have worded it abit differently. Sorry. I thought it would be understood though. I just basically wanted peoples thoughts on the subject. Anywayz
  13. the_wolf27

    XBox 360 or PS3

    O F*UCKING K You've all convinced me. Its time for a 180 turn back to the store to purchase my new xbox, then another 180 turn back home to enjoy the genious of microsoft. Hehe
  14. the_wolf27

    Christian columnist on video games: "I told you so"

    Video games aren't the issue here. Its bad f*ucking parenting. If you can't control your kids thats your problem, don't blame it on the video games. A kid will react to anything they enjoy the same way; TV, Food, trips to the supermarket, toys, anything. CONTROL YOUR KIDS AND DONT BE A PUSSY.
  15. the_wolf27


    Evil? Satisfying? an alternative? the devils tool? keeps people with large cocks and big tits off the streets? What are your thoughts?
  16. the_wolf27

    Violence in video games and christianity views.

    So your a christian and you don't have a problem with violence in video games but you do with the sexual stuff, which is all part of being human. Hmm interesting.
  17. the_wolf27

    XBox 360 or PS3

    I will take all that into consideration. But I must have been under a rock or something lately cause I have no clue as to what a Wii is. Would someone care to explain?
  18. the_wolf27

    Help with my collection

    Have you ever gone to a movie store to buy a dvd, find yourself picking up the same dvd everytime only to put it down again and walk out with something else. Well that always happens with me. Theres always a few movies that always find themselves in my hand but I never have the balls to...
  19. the_wolf27

    Similar films

    holy shit I just read up on Jacobs ladder. looks ausome. Am going to buy it for sure. I also really need some new scifi movies in my collection. Can anyone recommend any. P.S Sorry for double post. BTW, why are double posts frowned upon.
  20. the_wolf27

    Similar films

    What the hell is PI. I've never heard of it. Whats it about?