Search results

  1. the_wolf27

    Is it worth the playtime

    I'm thinking of buying The new Tomb Raider game "Legend". I've played all the ones before it and was kinda glad when they stopped making them cause it was getting abit old a boring but The new one looks kinda promising. Has anyone played it yet and would you recommend it? Is there much of a...
  2. the_wolf27

    anyone seen xmen 3 yet?

    Personally I think the Xmen movies were too clean. Nice suits, all leather, its like a damn football team. The movies needed to be alot more raw and gritty. No holding back on violence just to make it an M rated film. We're talking about mutated humans with super powers battling other evil...
  3. the_wolf27

    Hardest movie to find

    Has anyone heard of Starchaser: The Legend of Orin? Its an adult cartoon movie made back in the 80's and is abit similar to Star Wars. I've been trying to get hold of it for years but can't find it in any stores. Its about this guy Orin who works as a slave along with heaps of other people in...
  4. the_wolf27

    Casshern :o

    One of the worst movies I've ever seen, and I love asian films. But seriously, they were trying to do something different with the sfx but it just didn't work. There were some nice shots but the story just dragged on and on and by the end of the movie you wondered why you just spent $20 to see...
  5. the_wolf27

    Who Has The Most Dvds

    I just love collecting them. Its my addiction. When I heard about the new format I was like ahh ****. But what can I do. You can go too far. Then you've got your special edition, delux editions, 1 2 3 4 disc editions, 2 movies on one disc editions, geez, could the industry be trying any...
  6. the_wolf27

    is it worth it

    Woh relax guys. Just a question. Was just giving an example. Sorry if I hit a nerve. Everytime I ask a question everyone has to get all defensive. We play the games we don't create them.
  7. the_wolf27

    Who Has The Most Dvds

    I have 542 DVD Movies not counting TV shows
  8. the_wolf27

    Who Has The Most Dvds

    Just a quick message for everyone to post the number of dvds they have.
  9. the_wolf27

    Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

    Mission impossible 3 5/10 - What the **** is the rabbits foot. I wanna know dammit.
  10. the_wolf27

    Transformers Live action

    Does anyone have any news, photos, trailers or anything on the Live Action Transformers movie?
  11. the_wolf27

    Ipod or Zen?

    itunes Sux big time but ipods rule big time. They could have had a simple drag and drop system straight onto the ipod but noooooo, they had to create itunes to "protect the music". Yeah like everyone that has an mp3 player gets their music legally. Well I guess you have to take the really...
  12. the_wolf27

    Can anyone explain these statistics?

    MAybe the average counts not for kills but for hits. You could shoot a person a few times but doesn't mean they will die. Could that be it?
  13. the_wolf27

    is it worth it

    Just wondering if anyone has any screenshots of Day of Defeat. I use to play the old one ages ago and kinda reamember how gritty that was with the graphics, does the new one have any major improvements graphics wise? Also, does anyone know whether valve will start introducing vehicles into...
  14. the_wolf27

    Where can I get it?

    Just wondering if Day Of Defeat is available in computer shops to buy or if you have to buy it through Steam. I don't have a credit card so I have no way of getting it if its only available online.
  15. the_wolf27

    Just a quick question

    Hey everyone Just want to know what ping or latency means. Sometimes I'll connect to a server and then get booted because my PING is too high, what does this mean?
  16. the_wolf27

    Is Half Life 1 worth playing?

    Hmm maybe Well I'd say if your totally new to the whole halflife world you may be dissapointed in the first one cause you weren't there at the start to appreciate it. But for the story you must play it. It was a great game and had its time and I played the shit out of it but for me its over...
  17. the_wolf27

    The new guy needs some encouragment

    oh yeah and whats with the NAmes under each userID, like headcrab and scanner etc??
  18. the_wolf27

    How do i validate files

    Hi there, Does anyone know how I validate files? Halflife 2 has been crashing on my system and someone said that I should validate my files.
  19. the_wolf27

    stuck on a level

    Thanks guys but I ended up figuring it out anyway. Then my god damn computer crashed
  20. the_wolf27

    Beauty and the scientist dude take 2

    Hey Dakard is that your real photo?