Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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American Wedding - 0/10

Not. funny. and... it was an unnecessary sequel.
Hostel - -10-10.

Retarded movie. It wasnt even gory.....
Harryz said:
Grizzly Man - 7.8/10. Timothy was a bit cuckoo, but I have to give him credit for getting that close to a grizzly bear.
I'd give about 8/10.

Some of the footage is really heart-warming. Especially the foxes. Powerful documentary
Back to the Future 1 10/10

No words required.

Back to the Future 2 9/10

Back to the future 3 9/10
Sparta said:
I'd give about 8/10.

Some of the footage is really heart-warming. Especially the foxes. Powerful documentary

I would have given it an 8 too, but I gave March of the Penguins 8 aswell, but I preferred MotP's.

The Godfather - 10/10. Rewatched it yesterday, making my way through the trilogy.
Mission impossible 3

5/10 - What the **** is the rabbits foot. I wanna know dammit.
Derailed - 8.3 Good movie. Nothing insane. Like the actors tho. exp.

Vincent Cassel
Clive Owen
the_wolf27 said:
5/10 - What the **** is the rabbits foot. I wanna know dammit.
A plot device ;)

The Da Vinci Code - 6/10
Not bad. Sir Ian MacKellen saves the film. Other than that it was surprisingly dull for such a fast-paced book, and a thriller.
The Da Vinci Code - 5.5/10...

Damn it, I really tried to not yawn during the movie... but after the first half hour, it was all I was doing... the casting wasn't too great either, I mean Tom Hanks is an awesome actor, but he just didn't feel right here.
Ron Howard needs to stay away from book adaptations god damn it!
V for Vendetta
Was good, right up until

Where you find out that----------SPOILER------------------V was holding her in the cell. That just seemed stupid to me.
Godfather II - 10/10. It really is one of the few greatest sequels.
Batman Begins - 9/10...

A ****ing masterpiece, it uses the Batman license honorably.
Can't wait for the next one.
The Da Vinci code


It was ok, but just way too loooooooooooooooooooooong.
The Da Vinci Code - 2/10

Crappy movies are bad, but 3-hour long crappy movies that still feel rushed and pointless and lacking in any character detail or plot are just plain f*cking rancid.
Irreversible - 10/10

Holy shit...****ing holy shit....god damn this movie is insane.

Frequency of 28Hz :)
Men in Black - 9.9999/10

Some would argue .999 = 1 so then my 9.9999 would equal 10!
Raziel-Jcd said:
Irreversible - 10/10

Holy shit...****ing holy shit....god damn this movie is insane.

Frequency of 28Hz :)
What is this about? I looked at it on IMDB. Sounds good. I want more detail though.
That's the movie where Monica Bellucci gets raped right? And those two guys try to find out who did it?
^^Yeah, something like that. Meaning to watch it for a while now. Hmmmm Bellucci goodness. Will check it out.
Shamrock said:
What is this about? I looked at it on IMDB. Sounds good. I want more detail though.

The whole movie is backwards and its about Vincent Cassels wife getting raped. The thing is you have to really be focused and have a strong stomach to watch. I didnt find it hard but many people i have spoken to couldnt go past 15 mins into the movie. Its advertised as 200 people walking out of the screening for 2 reasons. 1 the detain in everything. Nudity in this movie is intense and nothing is cut out. Thing is its not there for show its there to add more meaning and power to the scenes. Also i myself wondered why my head started to feel weird thought it was the camera but its mainly a sound that plays in Frequency of 28Hz for the 1st 30 mins. For those of you who dont know what that is its:

"The first 30 minutes of the film has a background noise with a frequency of 28Hz (low frequency, almost inaudible), similar to the noise produced by an earthquake. In humans, it causes nausea, sickness and vertigo. It was the main cause of people walking out of the theaters during the first part of the film in places like Cannes and San Sebastian. In fact, it was added with the purpose of getting this reaction."

DeusExMachina said:
That's the movie where Monica Bellucci gets raped right? And those two guys try to find out who did it?

Correct. But its so much more then that.

Harryz said:
^^Yeah, something like that. Meaning to watch it for a while now. Hmmmm Bellucci goodness. Will check it out.

You really should. Its a insane movie with absolutely insane detail.


Layer Cake - 9.4/10

I liked it. Mainly the story and acting.
The Da Vinci Code 7/10

I had no expectations so I was fine with it.

I just hated the fact that they strayed from the book so much...
Well I own irreversible, because I thought it was going to be mega violent (which really means mega awesome) and there is ONE violent scene, but there's about 35 penis/jerking off scenes, and the rape scene is very difficult to watch. I do not recommend buying this movie because monica belluci gets raped - that's so nerd-like and horrifying... and I hope anyone who does that gets sodomized by a cinder block.
Grandma's Boy - 9/10 Love that Robot Kid Man i laughed every scene he had.
Mirrormask - 6/10...
The only thing that came to my mind when the credits rolled was : What the ****?! :|
This certainly seems like a movie that requires the viewer to be stoned out of his ****ing skull in order to enjoy.
Vidocq - 8/10

It was not bad, liked the visual styles, diffrent from what you would expect from hollywood. I really didn't expect the main character who was investigating the supposed death of Vidocq to be the killer. Sureal sky art, love that:D
X-Men 3 - 8.5/10

Very action-packed, the loss of some characters was a bit saddening.
I personally thought that the movie was too short.
Well, I had lots of fun watching it - mainly because when I was younger, I loved it. But now it's nothing note-worthy. Apart from Walken. I'd be being nice giving it a 7...I dunno.
the matador - 4.5/10 ugh...
The Devil's Advocate - 7.7/10 Didnt remember it being that good...
There's Something About Mary - 8.5/10... Comedy gold.

The Girl Next Door - 7/10... Funny... but was a bit boring. Elisha Cuthbert = insanely hot :O

edit : Serenity - 9.8/10... Wow, this was certainly a nice surprise.
Action, humor, great story, memorable characters.... holy shit.
I just went out and bought it along with Firefly. :D
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