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    just a crazy idea

    yea i was thinking about it, but ... it would be after the re mod
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    steam sucks

    o and i did find a flaw in there not pirated software that still works
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    steam sucks

    lol no.. i dont use illegal software... steamlessproject isnt a warez site. if tahts a warez site then you are retarded. and steam ...i just dont like , just my opinion-
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    steam sucks

    wello i wasnt laughing at the link... i was laughing at the post befor it and i just liked won better then steam.
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    steam sucks

    yea why dont u go and delete your games :-P :sniper: :monkee: :monkee: :monkee:
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    steam sucks

    lol .
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    steam sucks

    do u people agree? i do. that thing is evil... EVIL!!! can i say anything aboiut won2? or will i get banned?
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    CS:S Refusing to play offline

    last forum i was banned for it but... there is sumthing called won2 for the hl1 mods it uses the old won2 stuff and it remeinds me of the passt ( the good times)
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    CS:S Refusing to play offline

    i dont know if i should say anything aboiut won2....
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    just a crazy idea

    yea... i heard along time ago that tf2 was cancelled i wasnt really guna try to make one... becouse of the resident evil mod, but it would sound fun if some one else would do it (if i did it the only thing that would be diffrent would be the models and textures and quility of map i wouldnt...
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    resident evil the hive!! need mappers, skinners ect...

    lol.... trust me it wont (stupid sarcasm)
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    just a crazy idea

    i was thinking, if there should be a hl2 team fortress 2 and keep the theme the same and models and textures kinda the same, just better.. what a crazy idea, huh? just what i think :-P but there is a mod that looks to put it doesnt look anything like team fortress...
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    if your like me and dont like to wast space with stupid anoying programs, such as chatting programs (the point im getting to). and hate getting crashed by people, get gaim its open source connacts to irc msn yahoo aim and some other useless crap... and it also...
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    CS:S Refusing to play offline

    :-P i had that problem...try hosting the game a couple times... that worked for me p.s. steam sucks balls
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    PSP Hacked! Web Browser for the PSP

    i heard the squar button does not work prpoperly and soney is to lazy to fix it becouse it is to "pretty"
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    resident evil the hive!! need mappers, skinners ect...

    no its not going to be like the rest..... this one will take place inside the hive not parts from re2 like i said befor its probly going to be built on the hl1 engine
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    resident evil the hive!! need mappers, skinners ect...

    yea im trying to get "paul" to think about helping me again
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    Half Life Source Code

    the half-life 2 source code (i got it from filedonkey) its not the sdk this has the world craft and the full hl2 engine source code (not including the graphis or models) i had the 300mb version there are many like 40mb (well compressed) but yea.
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    memory failier explanation

    ha ha warning level 5