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  1. J

    Post your desktops Version 5,875,851

    FFXI, is such a great game.. Unfortunatly i cant play it ever again =( well not till im 18 and can get a credit card... So i will loose my char: DRK: 25 War: 30 THF: 15 WHM: 13 The pain! THE PAIN!!! =/ Id kill to be able to play that game again.
  2. J

    Post your desktops Version 5,875,851

    No one saw the Brainwave generator capice? Oh n03s brainwaves g0t meh!? =/
  3. J


    Me: Hi God: Hello. What is your name? Me: Jon God: I am very pleased to meet you Jon. Me: thank you, nice to meet you God: You are quite welcome! It's nice meeting you too Jon. Me: good God: Alright then. Me: How do i have sex? God: Perhaps you could program me to...
  4. J

    phpnuke + site help...

    hmm make a redirection page? <html> <title>Welcome to lalala</title> <body bgcolor="#888888"> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function delayer(){ window.location = "website here" } //--> </script> <body onLoad="setTimeout('delayer()', 10)"> <h2>Prepare to be redirected:</h2>...
  5. J

    Anyone been to the Gmod forums lately?

    LMAO! Garry our english teacher PFFFT
  6. J

    been slim my whole life, how to gain weight?

    Healthy dose of Steroids? + hour of swiming >.<
  7. J

    phpnuke + site help...

    You login and add it using admin panel on the website i beleive. Were using somthing different than PHPnuke which is easier to install... check it out, its called "Nuked-Klan" But when you installed phpnuke you should of entered data in the config about a...
  8. J

    All Games Lag

    Try microsoft antispyware beta, and webroot spysweeper. Or even better use "hitman pro" it may be on a foreign website but its in english (the software) it will scan with multiple different anti adware and spyware programs. Its great and it does it for you ;) Maybe you could also defragment...
  9. J

    YTMND Favorites!

    The best of them all! That is the best.. use IE to view it (for the sound)
  10. J

    Bad Performance On Most Games

    Default settings on CSS, stress test i get 64fps (average) thats on everything high no AA no v-sync 1024x768
  11. J

    PCI-E slot is...missing...

    "HP's don't come with PCI-e." That is stating that all HP machines do not come with PCi-E if he would of said "The cheap HP machines dont come with PCI-E" then i wouldnt of posted >.<
  12. J

    PCI-E slot is...missing...

    Actully your wrong. I have a HP machine, i got it last year and yes it has a PCI-E port.
  13. J

    Bad Performance On Most Games

    Hi im always getting bad FPS on games like doom 3, Half-Life 2, Fear, Farcry. I know i have a shit graphics card but c'mon surely it cant be that bad to get such crap FPS on the lowest reso. My specs are: Windows XP Home SP2 Intel Pentium 4, 3.60ghz with HT 1024ddr 400 (512x2) 320gb...
  14. J

    LMAO Nade in the face!!!

    lol the video owns! lol at ur story on Quake 2.
  15. J

    LMAO Nade in the face!!!

    One of my clan members recorded this since it was in HLTV when we had a clan match. lol i keep watching it still think its funny >.<
  16. J

    URGENT: Need help? PC Takes 10min to boot up.

    Well this is the 2nd time it has died. Its new since the otherone was replaced a couple of months ago.
  17. J

    URGENT: Need help? PC Takes 10min to boot up.

    Thanks for your help all... I tried everything. But after doing everything i decided to disconnect the power cable from my dvd rw the one which stoped work and everything is fine... Its the 2nd time my dvd r-w had died.. Is it because i use it to play games? :/:sniper:
  18. J

    URGENT: Need help? PC Takes 10min to boot up.

    Well i woke up this morning, i scanned for viruses and did a defrag. The defrag wasnt finished because i canceled it. Then when trying to install some drivers for my PC my disk drive wouldnt open.. I then rebooted and it shows the main boot screen then goes into a black screen where a little...
  19. J

    ATI's new card

    Nice >.<
  20. J

    Can anyone help me with PHP-Nuke?

    Damn it how do i delete threads! I found out how to do it