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  1. T

    Canadian Liberal Party wants to ban handguns

    So I see that keeping them banned really hit the gun users in the face.
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    Canadian Liberal Party wants to ban handguns

    So once guns are banned, I take it that there will be no underground dealing? And people will not use knives instead of guns? Because 85% of murders are crimes of passion comitted on the spur, not planned out, and they use whatever is at hand. So if a guns not there, why not go for a knife?
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    Racism and you. How were you influenced, how are you now?

    Or they just listen to Green Day and SOAD. :)
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    G-Man sounded pissed.

    Maybe the G-man's competitors are about to unleash thier "Gordon Freeman" on you?
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    Canadian Liberal Party wants to ban handguns

    No, taking peoples lives is not a right, thats why your jailed and (rarely) executed for it. But a persons right should belong, whether you need them or not. And when guns are banned, is this supposed to magically solve the problem of killings? Guns will just become underground merchandise.
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    G-Man sounded pissed.

    Maybe he was using you to fight for a different force other than the combine, and now that force is finally showing its face?
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    Are you listening to METAL!?!?!

    As I Lay Dying- Wide Awake Pretty good, but I prefer rock like Metallica, ACDC, and Zep. (Yes, LED IS ROCK!)
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    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    Black Sabbath- Hand of Doom
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    Levels you'd like to see in AM

    Wouldn't mind seeing some hardcore resistance (I.E., tanks, helicopters of our own.) battling combine on some wasteland or in the streets. They also need a major port/ghetto fight scene, not like the tiny ports you saw in HL2, or the ones like ravenholm, I'm talking huge tankers, and maybe a...
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    Vatican: condoms dont stop aids

    I'm not seeing how that is infringmint on other religions. Cannot George Bush proclaim his religion, and openly tell people he supports it? Is it putting down other religions?
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    "Its just a goddam piece of paper"

    Anyway, back to the topic. For the candidate of the party that goes by a strict interpretation of the constitution, and for one who is such a god-fearing and rightious man, it seems a little odd to me that he would just pull this out.
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    Canadian Liberal Party wants to ban handguns

    Banning guns would be great, but don't the people have the right to have them, whether they are dangerous or not? Isn't that a freedom of First world countries? Or does the security of the greater good supercede personal freedom? Doesn't this all sound familiar?
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    Iraq - What would you do right now?

    I believe it was an incompetant France that wanted revenge on Germany after world war I, instead of wanting to help it, leading to the rise of Hitler and the Second World War. Should we all learn from history, or just the US?
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    Poll on meat-eating

    Why not?
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    America plans to detonate nukes

    Wait. The post title said that America planned to detonate nukes. When I opened it, I was thinking that maybe Bush was planning to detonate this in Iraq, as it was a Cpt.Stern Post. But instead, it had nothing on him wanting to blow it up, it was just him asking for money to build a bigger...
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    I dont feel sorry at all!

    Lets make peace with the Holocaust maker! Anyway, I think that both sides are to hot headed and so big into hating each other that they won't sit down for peace talks. Actually, Hitler had to build his power base back up again, break peace agreements (Which, in my opinion, weren't fair to...
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    Poll on meat-eating

    Pigs and Cows are eaten because they are bred for the sole purpose of Giving food. (Well, in the cows case, Milk too.) Dogs aren't bred for the sole purpose of eating, nor cats, because they were for companionship. Thats just the history has made us. But all things aside, I would have to...