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  1. delusional

    Any resident dentists? (Picture of tooth inside)

    Hire a tribe of little men to jizz in your tooth hole.
  2. delusional

    What really grinds my gears

    Jack Fm. No people, just a computer. But you don't haves it =p. EDIT: stupid internet.
  3. delusional

    1000 Rabbis say HOMOSEXUALITY will lead to natural disasters

    Funny that I just read this
  4. delusional

    is palin a retard? is obama too green?

    I love Joe Biden. He should be President.
  5. delusional

    Avatar the Last Airbender trailer

    I wouldn't classify the show as just a nickelodeon cartoon, it actually had a thing a plot and character development.
  6. delusional

    Kirk Cameron to give away 50,000 copies of edited ver of Darwin's OoS to universities

    I was handed one about 2 months ago at Uni, but since I was in a hurry I couldn't rip it up in front of her. She was fat too, if that matters.:bounce:
  7. delusional

    Sarah Palin Joins Fox News!!

    According to my father, who is a die hard republican, Fox News and the right wing are moderates and all democrats/liberals are all extremist nut jobs. So ya, I think it can be seen as fair and balanced.
  8. delusional

    Steam Holiday Sale Now On - Up to 80% Off

    Got myself, Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl (It was cheap) Beyond Good and Evil (Never played before, but heard was good) Tower Defense (these games are fun) Civ4: BTS (I'm not sure why i only have the vanilla game) I was going to get gta4 but I don't think my computer can handle it :(
  9. delusional

    The one time I condone animal cruelty.

    Should have backed up, jerk. Anyway, reminds me when my Dad ran over a puppy or toy dog and just kept going, but when we turned around and drove past it, it was still moving. :( But he didn't seem to care :hmph:
  10. delusional

    Soldier Wins the War - TF2 Update Now Live

    That glitch got me two spy beards, and those boots. :) The boots are awesome too, only take 11 damage per jump.
  11. delusional


    Holy ****ing shitballs
  12. delusional

    Strong Meteor Shower.....nnnnnnnow

    Heh, did that 2 weeks ago in the desert on a small dune. We were able to see a shooting star every minute or two, which is breathtaking considering I live right near LA. :sleep: Of course the stuff we blew up was breathtaking too.
  13. delusional

    Worth it's own thread? YES

    Peach was the best by far.
  14. delusional

    Pelosi: Five Years in Prison for Not Obtaining Coverage

    Bullshit. The Health Bill contains no such thing. The five years in Prison or fines are due to tax evasion, not refusing to take part in the Health care plan. Plus, It is already part of the US tax code...